Monday, September 30, 2019
Microenvironment Customer Analysis Essay
Potential customers are the key to the success of our product. In this analysis, we divided our customers into two subcategories: Individual Customers: The new trend in the hygiene industry is naturally made products as we live in a more health concerned era. There are people who are against the negative effects of chemicals in products that we use in our everyday lives, therefore there has been an increase in demand for organic products. Because of this increasing demand; in newspaper articles, on television programs and on the internet people are trying to share their natural homemade remedies. In the news we read about people who explain why they would never use shampoos or soaps again for all the chemicals they put inside and how they affect the general health. They will be our target customers. Our product is all natural, just like they want. The only difference is that instead of people making it in their houses; we will mass produce it and make it easier to access due to diffe rent ingredients that are not really easy to be found. Other than the product being completely organic, our promotion will focus on the charity work we will do with this product regarding poor people. Thus, not only the health concerned people but also the people who care about the society will be targeted. People who would like to help the homeless can do so by buying this product. Our potential weakness here is that we may not be able to promote the product as fast as we want to. It may take some time for the target customers to know about this product. Another potential weakness can be that people may approach our product with suspicion. We plan to overcome that by medical reports regarding the product. Business Customers: We are planning to promote our product to non-profit organizations that help the poor people. As it is quick and relatively cheap, it can be used not only by the homeless people but also really poor families and children. This will create a good image for our brand and actually help people in need. We know that i t is really painful and hard for people in our country after natural disasters such as earthquakes. They become in need of really simple things and hygiene can be a part of that. Therefore we plan on targeting organizations such as KÄ ±zÄ ±lay to help the people in need by using our product. The amount of refugees living in camps in the cities of Turkey is really high. They are also in need of basic hygiene products that can be used dry. Also out of our country borders, there are people who live in really poor countries and face with many diseases because of the lack of water and hygiene. Some Turkish organizations help the people in other countries but we plan on reaching the Turkish offices of well-known global organizations as well. After the agreements with the Turkish non-profit organizations, we can have an extension to foreign markets that can help the homeless people in other countries that are having problems finding clean water or hygiene related issues. One potential problem here is that we may not be able to profit from the sales to non-profit organizations. There are two possibilities: first, we may have the most of our profit from the sales to our individual target customers by selling them with higher prices. Second possibility is that the sales to organiz ations can be so high that we would not need to change prices much. Our main goal will be planning the prices accordingly for the individual customers and organizational customers in order not to have any issues regarding the continuation of production. Also the sales to non-profit organizations will be used as a tool of advertising to help the product gain recognition. This can lead to an increase in prices later on. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS: A General Overview of the Competitive Position in the Turkish Market for Hygiene and Personal Care Products Industry Currently, and as shown by internet websites about exporters and importers of waterless cleaning products in Turkey, the products in the Turkish market consists mainly of dry waterless washing of cars and carpets. There are no products for body and hair. Therefore, we can assume that there is room for a successful market penetration if we choose the right strategy. We are operating in the hygiene industry. Therefore, we can think that our direct competitors would be the other hygiene companies which are already producing the regular body and hair care products. Indeed, even though they do not produce dry products such as the one we are offering, they are both the materials as well as the big size, which would enable them to produce it after its launch with cheap costs. When we look at the hygiene market in Turkey, we find the usual international players such as P&G, Unilever, the Body Shop, and so on. However, the market is characterized by a strong presence of Turkish companies as well such as Komili, which belongs to YÄ ±ldÄ ±z Holding, Dalan, which is one of the biggest producers and exporters of soap and personal care products in Turkey, as well as EczacÄ ±baÅŸÄ ±, which is one of Turkey’s biggest Holdings, among others. In addition, there are some multinational companies such as Colgate Palmolive who decided to invest in Turkey through an acquisition of HacÄ ± Åžakir, one of Turkey’s most famous soap producing companies. When we talk about competition, we also need to think about the ways of distributing the products. Very few companies produce and distribute their products on their own. Usually, those companies have their own shops and are international franchises such as the Body Shop, Body Care, Douglas, and Yves Roch er, among others. Most of the other companies prefer to sell their products through outlets such as Boyner and YKM, which are enabling customers to compare the products of many brands at the same time. Some other companies prefer to sell their products through super/hyper on the hygiene and personal care parts of some super/hyper markets such as P&G and Unilever. All of those companies are relatively big and established ones. They have a strong brand name and market positioning. They also have an existing customer base and distribution chains. Producing and distributing our products by our own would therefore be not only difficult, but very unsustainable as the big players in the market would soon take on the idea if they find it profitable. We believe that the best way to counter the big competition is to try to find the market leaders, negotiate with them, and persuade them to add our products to their product range and distribute it in their stores or through their regular distribution channels. MACROENVIRONMENT DEMOGRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT: Trends, Opportunities and Threats The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves people, and people are the customers of our product. The population is growing during these years and the large population poses both opportunities and threats. Our major purpose is to identify the demographic trends and developments in order to exploit the opportunities the market offers and avoid or overcome the threats we face in the market environment. In order to build a customer-driven strategy we need to analyze the changes in age and family structures, geographic population shifts, educational characteristics and population diversity. The age structure of the population is changing and our product should exploit the new market trends. For example, the so called â€Å"baby boomers†(people who were born after the World War II) are still the wealthiest generation, but they are becoming more sensitive to environmental problems, preferring green and cheap products. This could be an opportu nity to exploit in order to face the severe competition. Another part of population is made up by the â€Å"Generation X†, which is becoming more careful about prices and quality of products. These people grew up in the Internet era, and they are highly connected by using smartphones and tablets. Our strategy should exploit this opportunity by advertising our product online and creating online pages and blogs through which customers can interact and share their opinions. We have to regard also the new generations which consider technology as a way of life and, because of unemployment and financial crisis, they are becoming more sensitive to prices. Another important trend is the geographical shifts and migratory movements between and within countries. People are moving from big cities and metropolitan areas to suburbs and micropolitan areas, away from congested places. Such population shifts are very important because people in different regions and areas buy different products. Now customers are more careful about regional and local products and their purchases are often influenced by this factor. Therefore our customer-driven strategy has to exploit this trend by differentiating our product from the others not only in term of natural ingredients, but also in term of local f eatures. Further during these years the population is becoming better educated in developed countries; therefore the rising number of high-educated people will affect what customers buy and how they buy. But in many emerging markets, like in the third-world countries and undeveloped nations, people continue to live in bad conditions, without sufficient education and hygiene. Our product could be viewed as an opportunity for this base of consumers, for example for homeless people, refugees all over the world and people who are not able to take a shower because of lack of water. Lastly, countries are becoming more global and people from different nations and cultures are often mixing together into a single, more homogenous whole. However, many of these groups have maintained their diversity in term of ethnic and cultural differences. Therefore marketers need to keep in mind the features of the new global markets but at the same time valuing and respecting diversity between different cultures. For example, our strategy should include specially designed ads to one or more of these groups. We should also diversify our promotion programs in order to take advantage of these differences and make our customers more involved in our marketing plan. -ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT: Trends, Opportunities and Threats The economic environment is an important macro environmental force that has a strong impact on every industry, especially in developing countries such as turkey. After the global recession, which occurred in 2009, the Turkish government has been working hard in order to stabilize the economy of the country. By effect, the GDP grew by 4% since 2009, now measuring 820 billion dollar, making it the 17th country worldwide. The stabilization of the economy has raised confidence in investors, which are very much welcome from the government to make direct investments. Also Customers are more willing to spend money and this is leading to an increase in shopping, mainly in big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara and Ä °zmir. This trend is very positive for our prospective, since the retail industry is one of our main selling markets. Since the economy is more stable, we are able to make more accurate forecasts about the market, and making relevant decisions about the price and the other four Ps of Marketing (Promotion, Place, and Product). In fact we can make better decisions about the quantity of products we need to produce and how we are going to promote it, since more people are interested in going into shopping malls and shopping areas. Taking a look over the exchange rates we can observe they are quite unstable; this is leading to a positive trade balance of Turkey. This means that is easy to export rather than import, which we can take in consideration for a possible future expansion of our product in other countries. Income distribution in Turkey is still unfair, with basically few people owning the most of the money. We can take advantage of this situation, since our target market are the poor and the needy, by competing with our low cost product and improving their life conditions. Overall Turkish economic environment is favorable to our purposes and we can expect the market of the hygiene industry to grow. Also, the increase of the economy can lead to untapped opportunities and to a growth of demand for ou r product. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT: Trends, Opportunities and Threats The body hygiene products are not what they used to be. In the past, the cleansing agent was soap, which could dry out your scalp and leave a scum that doesn’t rinse away. Today technology for hair and body care products has changed, even though there is still a lot to be done. Which is exactly what we did by coming up with this product. For example, almost all shampoos and body hygiene products nowadays contain chemicals like silicones that give a hair and skin soft feel, and help it retain moisture. This is not healthy or natural and has negative effects. These days, people are more conscious about what goes on with their skin and hair because they know that using chemicals like silicones and alcohol has bad effects on skin, hair and general body health. Therefore, technological environment is also changing according to people’s demand more on healthier body hygiene products. Since technology for this industry is changing, and growing, we will use this opportunity and develop our healthy hair and body care product avoiding harmful chemicals.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities
THE CASE ABOUT RF AND TATARSTAN DELEGATION OF AUTHORITIES 1. Why Tatarstan was succeeded to be the â€Å"elected†region in terms of its’ authorities? As far as I could understand, the reasons why Tatarstan was chosen for delegation of Authorities and this Agreement are mostly historical. Historical and political preconditions of Tatarstan turned in such way, that Russian Federation and Tatarstan were nearly in equal position. For example, Tatarstan was independent co-founder of USSR, Tatarstan Tatarstan did not participate in election of State Duma in December 1993, Tatarstan did not sign the Federative Agreement in 1992.This shows the level of independence of Tatarstan from Russian Federation. In my opinion, Tatarstan was not very powerful republic, thus, to keep on developing it needed an alliance. It had political independence, but in terms of resources and power it did not have much. Russia, on the other hand, wanted to avoid appearance of another country just in t he very heart of it. To avoid repeat of Chechnya Case, Russian Authorities decided to change the way they behave about it. Instead of gaining power using military forces, Russian Federation took the way of diplomacy and political alliance.Thus, we can say that both sides needed this agreement, bith sides could benefit from it, but in my opinion, Tatarstan would need it more than Russia, in the case of different location. 2. Suggest some more or less objective criteria to select regions for establishing special favorable regime of relations with the federal center. This question in my point of view cannot have theoretical solution, because in any different case there would be new accomplishments and new terms, that would challenge the theory pretty much.But still, some tips could be defined. I think that in century of innovations and technological development, very important aspect would be potential rate of development of the region. It’s not important how much the region is developed, it’s much more vital – how can we develop it. In what way we can grow industry, or culture or trade or any other side of life of country. This criterion is very subjective, I understand this, but this is more an advantage than a disadvantage.Because government should realize itself, for what reason it needs the region, why it is necessary to develop favorable relations with this or that region, in what way it could be profitable. From history of Russian Empire we know examples of having totally useless for Empire regions (Poland) and caused a lot of trouble in tries to keep it quiet and not rebelling. 3. What is the author’s opinion on respect of whether special delegation of authorities between Tatarstan and RF is a good thing? Do you agree with him and why?On example of RF and Tatarstan Agreement we can see how idea of federal construction, integration and decentralization actually works. Author has very positive opinion about creating decentralized country and going on forward in development of this way. I do not have any real opinion about this, but if we look at 70 years of centralized country, and look at what do we have to suffer afterwards, I would say that decentralization is the right way to develop country federal structure, so that all the knowledge and all the experience is circulating among regions, and let develop the weak.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Distribution Channel Management Essay
BMW Motorcycles is a division within the BMW Group. As such their mission is tied to that of the parent company. On the BMW Group website it is noted as follows:†Identifying potential and encouraging growth. Knowing what we represent. Recognizing where our strengths lie and making the best use of every opportunity. Following a clear strategy. Goals we have attained are in essence the point of departure for new challenges. This is the philosophy that inspires every individual at the BMW Group. It influences the company’s structure and it plays a vital role in the decision-making process. Our corporate ethos finds its expression in the uncompromising pursuit of the superlative. The result? Outstanding brands with an unmistakable profile. Automobiles and motorcycles which fascinate people all over the world and which win legions of new admirers every day. And a degree of success which sees the BMW Group go from strength to strength. With the three brands, BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, the BMW Group has its sights set firmly on the premium sector of the international automobile market. To achieve its aims, the company knows how to deploy its strengths with an efficiency that is unmatched in the automotive industry. From research and development to sales and marketing, BMW Group is committed to the very highest in quality for all its products and services. The company’s phenomenal success is proof of this strategy’s correctness.†BMW Motorcycles provides a robust product line following three general categories: Touring, Sport, and Enduro. Touring bikes are built for the long haul, with rider comfort as the premium. These are the motorcycles you would take on a cross country trip. Sport bikes satisfy the â€Å"need for speed†and styling trends for the younger crowd. Enduro bikes are for the adventurer is us all; these bikes are built for on or off road travel. BMW Motorcycles’ main competition comes from Japanese motorcycle companies. Most American motorcycle companies produce cruiser style bikes; BMW offers little choice in this style of motorcycle. However, each of the main Japanese manufacturers (Suzuki, Yamaha, Honda, and Kawasaki) offers motorcycles that are very similar in style and performance. Although BMW has historically had its own niche in the market, that of the older male, it has recently branched off into more dedicated off-road and super-sport bikes. These are categories that have been historically dominated by the Japanese manufacturers. Throughout the years, BMW motorcycles have been renowned for their durability and engineering. BMW has always been on the forefront of motorcycle engineering. BMW was the first motorcycle manufacturer to offer ABS on a motorcycle. They have also revolutionized motorcycle suspensions with their Telelever anti-dive suspension and Paralever single-arm suspension. Although BMWs are more costly, that price is offset by the life cycle of the motorcycle. Until recent years there hasn’t been much of a rivalry between the Japanese manufacturers and BMW Motorcycles. BMW had its small place in the market and was not a threat to the Japanese firms. BMW Motorcycles were not known to be stylish or fast, the two categories that attract the majority of motorcycle buyers. BMW attracted more mature owners who were impressed by the machine’s reliability and durability, and who had more money to spend on a new bike. The lack of power was partly due to BMW self-imposed limitations on horsepower in motorcycles. However, these limitations were lifted in the late 1990s, and BMW began to produce super-sport bikes that rivaled the Japanese bikes, and even surpassed the Japanese competitor’s performance. Up to this point, young males were rarely interested in purchasing BMWs. They cost twice as much as the closet Japanese bikes, they were slower, and they were less attractive. In essence they were the Volvo of the motorcycle world. However, like Volvo, once BMW redesigned their product line into more powerful and stylish motorcycles, they began to quickly cut into the Japanese manufacturers’ market share. BMW motorcycles have consistently won â€Å"Best Bike†awards in various categories within the past few years. Several of these awards include â€Å"2005 & 2006 Best Touring Bike†for the R1200RT, and â€Å"2005 Best Adventure Bike†for the F650GS. BMW Motorcycles reported December 2006 sales up 36.8% over the same period in 2005. In 2005, annual sales worldwide for BMW topped 100,000 motorcycles. In 2004, approximately 5.7 million motorcycles were sold in the US, of which 12,825 were BMWs. Estimates of market share for 2005 show Honda in the lead with 24% of the market, followed by Harley-Davidson and Buell with 22.6%, Yamaha at 15.9%, Suzuki at 11.8%, Kawasaki at 9.1%, KTM at 1.7%, BMW with 1.2% and â€Å"Other†at 13.7%. Although BMW gains less than 2% of total US motorcycle sales market, they only reflect less than half of BMW’s worldwide sales. BMW sold more motorcycles in Italy (13,651 bikes), than in the US, and Spain was a close third wit h 10,002 bikes. The BMW R1200GS has been the top selling bike worldwide for the past several years. As a result, Japanese motorcycle manufacturers have recently introduced large engine dual sport bikes to their lineups to compete with the BMW. The BMW R1200RT has been increasingly sought after by police departments as their bike of choice, replacing the mainstay Kawasakis. With their ever increasing popularity and sales, BMW is becoming a threat to the Japanese manufacturers and the rivalry is growing. Two of the primary attributes for motorcycles are durability and performance. Durability is defined as the capability of withstanding wear and tear, it is measured by a products ability to perform or compete over a long period. For a motorcycle this can include engine life, the ability to conduct repairs, and retention of market value. Performance is defined as the way in which someone or something functions. For motorcycles it includes horsepower, acceleration, cornering ability, and maximum speed. Target MarketsTarget Market 1: Young Males 18-25- Generally college age males, style and performance are the biggest factors for this group. Cost could be an exclusionary criterion, as this group may not have a large cash base. Target Market 2: Adult Males (25-40)- Established professionals. Performance not as big a factor as durability or economy is. This group is willing to spend more for a higher quality product. They are style conscious, but style is not necessarily a prime factor. Target Market 3: Females (all ages)- Female motorcycle buyers are a growing market, but still small enough to treat all ages as a singular group. Female riders generally are looking for something economical and stylish. Performance is low on the list of criteria. Primary Product Categories. -Enduro . These are dual purpose motorcycles that are built for both on and off road. -High Performance. Specialized off road motorcycle. -Tour. These are bikes built for long distance rides. Comfort is number one on these bikes. -Sport. These are your speed bikes. They are built to go fast and look good. -Urban. These are the bikes built to cruise the road and get good gas mileage while they are at it. This is the commuter bike category, not flashy but dependable. EnduroHigh PerformanceTouringSportUrbanYoung Male21 / 3Adult Male11 / 3Female221Core products2Rarely sold to these individuals3Biggest purchaser of items in this categoryImportant Cells:Young Male /Sport. This is the primary product line for this target market. They are looking for style and speed. This is the category that provides those. This line is very important, as this is the largest share of the entire market. BMW has been behind in this line, and only recently become competitive within the past few years. Although they now have one of the highest performing motorcycles, it is difficult to overcome the brand recognition the Japanese motorcycles have built up in this line. The competitive advantage in this line is gained through a mix of performance and appeal, with cost also a major factor. Perceived performance and style may be more important than true performance and style. Young Male / Urban. This is a growing market the past few years. BMW is neck and neck with all its competitors to grab a share, due to the newness of this motorcycle category. This is important, because getting the recognition and sales in this product line can affect the sales of the other lines. No company currently has an advantage. The advantage can be achieved by offering a motorcycle with excellent handling, great gas mileage, at a low cost. One of BMW’s products, the F650, has been seeing robust sales due to the high MPG. BMW is poised to gain an advantage in this market, the key will be to ensure the BMW name recognition is realized within this target market. Adult Male Enduro. BMW has had the leading product in this market since the introduction of their R – GS line of bikes. This award winning product has been continually recognized and awarded for its attributes. It is the king of the hill of enduro bikes, with no true competition in sight. This bike has become on of the cornerstones of BMW motorcycles, and thus its continued success will be a direct reflection of the company. BMW has been able to sustain their advantage in this market / line by continually improving the product. Adult Male / Touring. This category has seen large growth in the past few years. BMW is poised to gain an advantage here, due in large part to the recognition they are gaining by the police forces. Police forces have been buying their R-RT models in increasing numbers for the past five years. This has had a direct impact on the sales volume of not only this product, but the touring line as a whole. The police usage has given BMW greater brand recognition. Keeping the bikes visible within police forces will be the key to maintaining their competitive advantage. There are only two real competitors in this category, the Kawasaki Concours and the Honda Goldwing. The Honda has been the leader in this line until several years ago when BMW sales began to overtake them. BMW provides better durability, performance and comfort than the competitors. These are all key attributes for this target market. BMW has been pursuing new markets and products; they also have opportunity to develop both, especially in the female rider market. In the past few years, BMW has introduced improved models of their existing motorcycles to increase their appeal to younger markets. They have greatly increased their performance and styling, both key attributes sought after by this largest target market. As a result of developing this market, profits in the young male market have soared. In addition, BMW has introduced all new models of motorcycles. Of these new models, the most notable are high performance sport bikes to appeal to the young males, and less powerful, smaller frame bikes to increase appeal to beginners and females. Since 1999 BMW has developed close to 15 new motorcycle products for introduction. Each of these bikes has seen brisk sales. BMW does not hold a competitive advantage in the motorcycle market; this is due to several factors. BMW motorcycles are expensive. In many cases they cost more than $10,000 more than their market competitor. Although BMWs are more durable than their less expensive competition, the prime market does not appear to be willing to spend the increased cost for a higher quality product. In motorcycle sales, no company holds a sustained competitive advantage. The Japanese motorcycle companies, with their powerful, inexpensive motorcycles share the competitive advantage over the American and European motorcycle companies. However, this advantage tends to shift to a different company each year as new bikes are introduced. The price points for Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Suzuki are all similar for each comparable product; with generally only several hundred dollars difference. Any competitive advantage among these companies will rarely last over a model year or two. Thus there is no sustained competitive advantage among these rivals. Due to the similarities in the product offerings between all these companies, unless some revolutionary technology is developed, it will be nearly impossible to sustain any competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction is a high priority with BMW; in 2001 BMW Motorcycles introduced the â€Å"Customer-Oriented Sales and Production Process†. This process is used from customer order to delivery. It begins with an online ordering system which allows a BMW Motorcycle dealer to send a customer’s order directly to the manufacturing plant, eliminating wholesalers or resellers and providing instant delivery status. This system also allows the customer to change any detail of his order, up to the minute that production is begun. All BMW motorcycles and parts are built at the BMW plant in Berlin, Germany. BMW motorcycles were originally built in BMW’s historic Munich plant until the 1960s. BMW concentrates all motorcycle related production, to include many component parts in the Berlin plant. This plant can build up to 500 motorcycles a day. BMW motorcycles are built to general specification and also may be custom designed from anywhere in the world. The Berlin plant builds motorcycles to the specific requirements of the over 20 countries they deliver to. The BMW motorcycle plant in Berlin uses state-of-the-art technology. It has been recognized as the most modern motorcycle manufacturing plant in the world. Like their motorcycles, the production plant is focused on ergonomics and efficiency. In addition, the factory incorporates numerous environmental friendly processes. Many of these processes, including production water recycling, also help to cut production costs. The BMW logistics division is responsible for organizing the motorcycle production. Together with marketing, sales and production departments it plans the production schedule, generates the best production sequence and ensures timely delivery of the motorcycle to the customer. Logistic specialists plan and coordinate the delivery of material to assembly and make sure that quality parts are cost-efficiently delivered to the production line. BMW Motorcycles has more than 400 external suppliers provide some 9,000 different parts and components. These parts are delivered to BMW’s Berlin plant on time and in the correct quantities. Most of the suppliers specialize in motorcycle parts for BMW. 65 % of the suppliers are located in Germany, 34 % in Europe and 1% in USA and Japan. In 2001, BMW reengineered its distribution process to reduce costs and improve response time for dealers and parts vendors. Once the motorcycle is completely assembled, it is transported from the factory direct to the retailer who placed the customer’s order through a â€Å"Retailer Channel†method. BMW uses a variety of transportation methods including truck, rail, and sea lift ; depending on the destination of the product. In the USA, BMW motorcycles are received and distributed out of two warehouse locations in New Jersey and California. From there, they are delivered direct to the retailer. BMW Motorcycle dealers are authorized by BMW to sell the motorcycle product line, and to also provide an after sales service to BMW customers. To maintain brand image and ensure customer satisfaction is met, the dealers comply with corporate requirements and guidelines in the presentation of their facility. BMW considers corporate identity and brand image to be paramount to maximize awareness of the differences between it and its competitors. These guidelines establish standards for interior and exterior design, levels of customer service, signage, typefaces and advertising. The goal of these requirements is to maintain BMW’s prestigious reputation. In addition, BMW provides management support, training courses for all dealer staff, recruitment assistance, marketing support, and an internal comprehensive online reference system which gives immediate access to up-to-date product and corporate information. BMW’s dedication to customer service, both service visible to the consumer and services which are transparent, give it a decisive advantage within its distribution channels. By striving to provide the customer the exact product desired, in a timely manner, they have streamlined their distribution processes. In addition to providing satisfaction to the consumer, this retailer channel process has cut transportation and resale costs to the benefit of both BMW and the customer. The benefits of BMW’s â€Å"Customer-Oriented Sales and Production Process†are that the consumer can get an individualized BMW motorcycle without having to purchase a cookie-cutter motorcycle and numerous after-market products. The customer gets his one of a kind motorcycle right off the production line. In addition, he can order his customized motorcycle and receive it in a comparatively short period of time, with instantaneous production progress status available upon request. These are benefits to the consumer that the competitors cannot provide. With Japanese manufacturers, they sell the base motorcycle with very limited options. It is a dice roll that the configuration you want is in stock locally. This level of customer service, along with the high quality of the motorcycles, creates a rabid dedication to the BMW brand. BMW motorcycle owner typically will purchase another BMW over any of the competitor’s brands. This is decidedly one of the factors giving to the steady increase in market share of BMWs, and thus proof of BMW’s competitive advantage. References1. BMW Group. http://www.bmwgroup.com2. BMW Group Mission. Web Bike World. Hoffman, Nicole P. An Examination of the †Sustainable Competitive Advantage†Concept: Past, Present, and FutureAcademy of Marketing Science Review [Online] 20005.BMW Berlin Manufacturing Plant Motorcycles:1.BMW Motorcycles. Motorcycles. Motorcycles. http://www.kawasaki.com4.Yamaha Motorcycles. http://www.yamaha-motor.com5.Honda Motorcycles.
Friday, September 27, 2019
1st student project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
1st student project - Term Paper Example The geological reasons given to most earthquakes are the movment of tectonic plates, causing damage when two plates overlap, slide under or over or past one another. The puzzling aspect about the mid western quakes is that they do not come under the areas affect by fault lines or cracks. There is geological evidence that this area was shook by earthquakes during the period of A.D 490, A.D 900 and A.D 1450, after which there were quakes again in 1811 to 1812. The details imply a five hundred year pattern, under the theory that faults build up stress, causing these violent earthquakes as a let out. Another hypothesis that has been suggested as the reason behind the mid western quakes is the effect of ice glaciers from 20,000 years ago. Once the ice melted, lifting the load, the land began to rise but the mantle is not as flexible and takes longer to respond to the release of pressure. ( This is believed to have created unusual tension in the mid western continental Un ited States, causing the New Madrid quakes. Scientists have pinpointed a number of faults that have caused earthquakes over the midwestern region, shown in the map below. It is also believed by scientists after 9 years of observation, that the New Madrid fault line might be shutting down, as it has shown no activity in the observation span. As a consequence, the risk calculations have varied wildly, from a 10 percent chance of a disastrous earthquake in the next 50 years to a chance of just 1 percent or less. (Choi, 2009). The Lower Wabash Valley of southwestern Indiana and adjacent parts of Illinois is seismically active. (Hill, 2002). There have been reports of earthquakes in parts of southwestern Indiana, affecting different parts in the years 1968, 1987 and 2001. It has been noted that the Lower Wabash Valley is capable of causing disastrous earthquakes at any time.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Valuing People in Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Valuing People in Financial Statements - Essay Example This is because their respective annual financial reports do not reflect the financial position of the customers to their business. This paper will discuss whether companies should have a financial value for their employees with reference to Mark Spencer’s annual report. Most businesses consider their customer base to be their most valuable asset. This is a myopic consideration since behind every satisfied customer there is a hard working staff who contributed to their satisfaction. This indicates that employees should be beyond the customers of the company since they are responsible for successful products and satisfied customers (Hart, 1995, p. 56). Therefore, the value of employees can be measured from the quality of the products that they are responsible for and, the level of customer’s satisfaction resulting from their efforts. Being of financial significance indicates that workers are assets to the company and the company has the responsibility to account for them . Companies consider their workers as expenses due to the salaries that they receive at the end of the month or the end of a given trading period. In this case, workers would appear in the right hand side of their balance sheet. However, this is not a valid reasoning since salaries or wages is a return or compensation for labor (Vygotsky, 1978). Labor has economic value to a business. This indicates that workers or the source of the labor also has economic value to the business. Indeed, workers are assets of a company due to the economic value of their efforts to the company. However, shareholders and other stakeholders of a company fail to consider the financial value of workers when evaluating a company. This evaluation does not give the actual position of the company since workers too have a financial significance to a company. According to Paul Herman the CEO of HIP investments, most companies fail to consider their workers as their assets. Layoffs are the main reason that quali fies workers to be expenses of a company. A company can increase its profit through various ways. The main method that companies use to increase their profit is reducing their cost of operation. Cost of operation includes fixed costs and expenses. In this case, fixed costs are costs that are incurred during the production process, and are invariable. On the other hand, expenses are cost incurred by the company due to factors that facilitate production or distribution of finished products. Layoff is considered as a method of increasing profits since it enable companies to cut down their expenses and hence their cost of operation. Laying-off workers has positive returns in the short term since economic downturns are not permanent (Kalb, 1993, p. 198). Economic downturns are followed by economic recoveries that force the companies to hire more employees to compensate for laid-off workers. In this process, the company spend money in hiring and training of new workers to compensate for t he laid off workers. Hiring new workers is critical to a company’s success. The abilities of a company to outsource for the best workers in a particular field determine the competence of its products in a given market (Ellen, 2009). This process has financial significance to the company since it is a form of investment. In addition, the company needs to train its employees in order to achieve
The rise and Fall of American Economics Term Paper
The rise and Fall of American Economics - Term Paper Example Considering that macroeconomics characteristically focuses on a nation’s economic performance including the manner in which the nation’s economy interacts with other economies globally, it is worth noting that the economy of the United States is not only the largest but also the most complex in the world history, with 87,600 separate government jurisdictions, approximately a hundred and fifteen million households, and thirty million profit organizations/businesses. The U.S. economy is therefore comprised of millions of decision makers who though acting with some autonomy, are all linked with the entire economy. The economy is dynamic – keeps continually renewing itself with new businesses, customers, foreign competitors, households and public official groups among others. Currency circulates throughout the U.S. economy, which facilitates the exchange of products as well as resources among the individual economic units – it is constantly in a circular flow (McEachern, 2008). Historically, just like other industrial market economies, the economy of the United States has gone through sporadic contraction and expansion periods. The rise and fall of the economy refer to the economic fluctuations relative to the economy’s long term growth tendency.... The rise and fall of the economy refer to the economic fluctuations relative to the economy’s long term growth tendency. These variations/business cycles vary in intensity and length, although some elements are universal to all. Usually, the fluctuations involve the whole nation and frequently several other world economies. Additionally, the fluctuations affect almost every economic activity dimension – not just employment and production (Hirschey, 2009). McEachern (2008) notes that the simplest way of comprehending the business cycle is by exploring its elements. He explains that in the 1920s and 1930s, the national Bureau of Economic research director carried out an analysis of business cycles and identified two phases of the economy namely â€Å"contractions†and â€Å"expansions.†He elucidated that the output of the economy declines during a contraction while it increases during an expansion. Prior to WWII, a contraction occurred – this was as severe as to be termed a depression. A depression is a sharp decline in the entire production of the nation going for over a year and accompanied by high rates of unemployment. When a contraction is milder, it is reffered to as a recession – characterized by a reduction in overall output over a period of at least six months or two consecutive quarters. Unlike prior to the world war II when the United States experienced both depressions and recessions, in the period after and until the year 2008, there have not been depressions; only recessions, which is an indication of an improved economy. The quarter-century after World War II appears more like a golden age for the economy of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The international monetary and finance structure Essay - 2
The international monetary and finance structure - Essay Example It was with the end of the war that developed nations came up with a new system, which sought a free flow of capital, stable exchange rates, and open trade. These three principles were fundamental in globalization and liberalization of the global economy. There were a number of concepts, which underpinned this new liberal economy. Liberal economics were premised on the recognition that there were inherent differences in the endowment of resources for different countries (Balaam & Veseth 127). Therefore, international wealth could only be maximized if countries participated in global trade. In addition, national currencies were to be sold and bought in a system of free markets, in which floating exchange rates enabled the markets to determine a currency’s value in relation to another. This system would ensure market equilibrium and the IMF was tasked with stabilizing rates of exchange with the IMF originally founded on the fixed rate system. However, this financial system faile d to keep up with the dynamism of various national economies, which meant the fixed exchange-rate system changed to a more flexible system and less capital transfer control. Under these conditions, the value of national currency was determined by interactions between supply and demand present in foreign exchange markets (Balaam & Veseth 127). ... These include the Gold Standard until WWI, the Bretton Woods system for fixed-exchange rates, prior to the end of WWII, and the floating or flexible regime of exchange rates (Balaam & Veseth 132). Economic liberalism that characterizes today’s international monetary and financial structures has been supported by; the WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank. The World Bank was created with the aim of stimulating economies following the destruction of WWII on Europe (Balaam & Veseth 133). However, the institution’s emphasis shifted to development away from reconstruction as it began to generate capital funds from contributions made by its member states, as well as that made from financial market borrowing. Currently, most of the funding from this institution is used in the development of infrastructure. On the other hand, the IMF was formed in order to stabilize economies and exchange rates. Initially, the IMF was established as a fixed exchange-rates system. However, the system went out of use after an announcement by the US that they would stop guaranteeing the system. Finally, it formalized the currently in use floating exchange-rates system. Finally, the WTO, formerly the GATT, was instituted for the management of trade. The initial GATT was formed based on support for liberalization of trade, protection of home markets exclusively through tariffs, national treatment for MNCs, and non-discrimination in trade (Balaam & Veseth 134). It established multi-lateral negotiations among nations that had similar interests at hand, before being extended to all participants of the GATT. Much of its work was done over 8 rounds of negotiations, which progressively cut back on tariffs and addressed arising issues like copyrights and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Politeness theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Politeness theory - Essay Example he same time also uses a variety of non-verbal communications such as through hand gestures, eye gaze (or specific types of eye contact known as oculesics), facial expressions (a smile or frown), touch or tactile messages (known as haptics), the approximate distance when speaking to another person (known as proxemics), and the speaking style used (together with the tone, pitch, volume, and rate of speaking the words such as harried, urgent, or demanding, known as prosody). It is collectively termed as kinesics or the study of body language (Birdwhistell, 2011). Modern civilization came about as the result of the use of sophisticated communications through verbal and non-verbal means; the spoken word, speech, and language are used to convey ideas and thoughts to other people. While this is a cultural universal (meaning it appears in all the cultures of the world), there are certain specific meanings or nuances involved in each type of culture where language is used. While kinesics is admittedly an important emerging field of study for sociologists, highly-evolved societies employ a variety of means to convey messages in a way that kinesics cannot. People in all cultures value the importance of a positive self-image as a way to structure the hierarchy in a society that in turn helps people to maintain harmony. When people interact with each other, it is the spoken word that is primarily used to aid in conveying a message but this process is a complex one as it involves both the speaker and the listener. Put differently, a speaker has to make a careful choice of words to ensure his listener is not put in a bad light or in a difficult situation; messages and their meaning must be conveyed in the right way to avoid unintentional embarrassment, possible conflict or undue misunderstanding which can harm interpersonal relationships and negate the very purpose of communication. This desire to maintain excellent social relationships gives rise to the concept of face or
Monday, September 23, 2019
Customer satisfaction in mobile industry in Egypt an empirical study Thesis
Customer satisfaction in mobile industry in Egypt an empirical study - Thesis Example Against this backdrop, it’s essential to consider the extent to which the product and service quality has an impact on customers in mobile industry in Egypt (Fornell, 2001). Customer satisfaction is the key in any business undertaking, especially success or failure of the business is mainly dependent on it. In the past, the importance of customer satisfaction was not recognized as an important metric in determining critical success factor related outcomes due to the fact that many entrepreneurs focused attention on the increase of new customers rather than retaining the existing customers. It was a pure number game. Li, Jiayin, and Huaying (2008) suggest that many companies have identified the importance of customer satisfaction especially by service-centric companies such as mobile telephone service industry on the premise that customer satisfaction is a growth factor directly influenced by the quality of service. Thus many mobile service producers in the global arena have ad opted customer satisfaction as a high priority in achieving corporate goals. Though customer satisfaction is a mental perception, many techniques and methods are developed to measure the effectiveness of it. For example, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model is an economic indicator which analyses the degree of customer satisfaction in the US. Claes, et al (1996) argue that this model has mainly been developed with five variables – perceived value; satisfaction; loyalty; reputation; and recommendation. Thus the service quality of the mobile industry depends on the delivery excellent or superior service to fulfill customer expectations, and it occurs for most services during the interaction between a customer and the mobile service provider. According to Anckar, and D'Incau (2002), the mobile service producers in Egypt have efficiently created a perceived value on the customer's mind through real value generation such as providing
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Olympian Destiny vs. Personal Choice Essay Example for Free
Olympian Destiny vs. Personal Choice Essay An Analytical Essay on the Tragedy of Oedipus in Sophocles’ â€Å"Oedipus the King†Debates on whether men control their fates or whether their fates are already dictated by another force are not new and has definitely not ended. Still, even if arguments on the subject has been exhaustingly discussed, there is still no conclusion formed of whether humanity really make their own choices or if there is a greater or heavenly force which deprives humanity of that choice. Such circumstance is depicted in Oedipus the King, one of the trilogies in a famous Greek tragedian’s plays. Sophocles, who is known to be one of the pioneers of tragedies (as a drama) in the world, writes of the sad and terrible fate of Oedipus who is the ruler of Thebes after he saves the people of Thebes from a â€Å"monster†. The play revolves around a prophecy that Oedipus wants to kill his own father and make his own mother as a wife. This leads to this essay’s purpose which is to discuss on whether Oedipus was destined to have such end or whether he was the one who actually made his own fate. In Oedipus the King, trouble brews in Thebes as the people are in pandemonium over a sickness that spreads over the city. Oedipus who is the present ruler of the city after defeating the Sphinx asks help from an oracle to decipher why Thebes if suffering such fate. The oracle reveals that Olympus is angry over the murder of Thebes’ past King and the city can only be restored to its proper order when the King’s murderer has been caught. This rather ominous scene sets the play in motion as the court of Thebes starts to investigate and prod on who is the possible murderer of the dead King. Through much explanation, interrogation and prodding, it is found out that it is Oedipus himself who has killed the King, making the prophecy of Apollo trueâ€â€that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his own mother. Because Thebes needs to be saved and because Creon cries out for Oedipus to respect the desires of Olympus, Oedipus willingly exiles himself from Thebes and eventually (in the next and last part of the trilogy, Oedipus at Colonus) dies alone. The trilogy that Sophocles has written is known to be the Oedipus plays even if one of the plays played out with the King already dead. However, it is quite evident that in all the plays, Oedipus plays an important part because his fate serves as background of all the plays and his fate becomes a catalyst for all the other scenes in the plot. This fate that brings down such grief to Oedipus and his family is connected to Apollo’s prophecy that was predicted by an oracle in Delphi. Oedipus recounts this prophecy when he talks to Jocasta, his queen and wife (and unbeknownst to him, his mother) over the reason why he self-exiled himself from Corinth: And so I went in secret off to Delphi. / I didn’t tell my mother or my father. Apollo sent me back without an answer, / so I didn’t learn what I had come to find. But when he spoke he uttered monstrous things, / strange terrors and horrific miseries it was my fate to defile my mother’s bed, / to bring forth to men a human family that people could not bear to look upon, / to murder the father who engendered me. (Sophocles 945-954) This excerpt points to the fact that it is Apollo who passed the knowledge of the prophecy and Oedipus is well aware of the said prophecy. Thus, it would seem that the fate of Oedipus is already determined but there is a possibility that although he made unconscious and innocent choices and decisions, Oedipus is still well aware that all the things that he will do leads to something greater and sadder. This something greater and sadder is his tragic fate that would result in the death of his own father and would result in an immoral relationship with his own mother. This premise neither proves nor negates whether Oedipus’s life was created out of the decisions, actions and choices he made or whether his life was already created by another force for him. Both arguments may be correct but the other holds more weight based on the text itself. With regards to the tragedy of Oedipus’ fate created by his own choice, it can be shown in how the Chorus of the play described Oedipus that he was a man who had his own power from his mental strength which resulted in his ability to be very cunning: You residents of Thebes, our native land, / look on this man, this Oedipus, the one who understood that celebrated riddle. / He was the most powerful of men. All citizens who witnessed this man’s wealth / were envious. Now what a surging tide of terrible disaster sweeps around him. (Sophocles 1805–1811) The Chorus described Oedipus as having feats that he alone did without the help of any other force or powerâ€â€this would of course show that Oedipus’ total worth as a character and individual was not just created by the Olympian gods alone. Oedipus also had a hand in the making of his own totality as a person. Thus, his characteristics which lead to his â€Å"crimes†were the culmination of all these characteristics. For example, he is cunning and that is why he was able to defeat his father in battle and he was able to solve the Sphinx’s riddle. Because of these two circumstances, he killed his father and he won the queen of the city who is his mother. Apollo merely prophesised Oedipus’ fateâ€â€the sun god did not provide the weapon which would kill Oedipus nor did he provide the answer to the riddle. Thus, Oedipus was able to the things he has done based on his own judgement and discernment as a person. On the other hand, the premise that Oedipus is the victim of the tragedy of fate manufactured by the Olympian gods still holds more weight compared to whether he is a victim of his own misplaced judgements and actions. This can be proven by the following lines delivered by the Chorus of the play: In everything / our loftiest traditions consecrate, those laws engendered in the heavenly skies, / whose only father is Olympus. They were not born from mortal men, / nor will they sleep and be forgotten. In them lives an ageless mighty god. (Sophocles 1034-1040) The lines explain that men’s laws and the traditions that they exalt, whether good or bad and advantageous or remiss, is created by the heavens. Therefore, men are but putty in the hands of the gods and goddesses of Olympus. Whatever human beings do, it is determined already by the hands of the gods. If this supposition is correct, it just means that Oedipus’ entire life was created by the gods and it is up to the gods on how his life will end; even if the Queen Jocasta believes otherwise: â€Å"Fear? What should a man fear? It’s all chance, chance rules our lives. Not a man on earth can see a day ahead, groping through the dark. Better to live at random, best we can†(Sophocles 1068–1078). When the queen declared such judgement, she was not able to consider that even if chance rules humanity’s lives; chance is also something which the heavens also control. Though men make decisions in certain circumstances, those circumstances were also created by pre-determined fate: Oedipus had to be there at the exact same time his father was at the crossroads; Oedipus had to take the path going to Thebes; Oedipus had to solve the riddle by the Sphinx, etc. Thus, although Oedipus can make his own decisions which lead to his tragic fate, his tragic fate was already determined by his hands not his own. It was determined, based on the Greek mythologies, by the Fates. Works Cited Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Ontario: General Publishing, Ltd. , 1991.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Right to Information Act, 2005 | Analysis
Right to Information Act, 2005 | Analysis RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 VIDYA SAGAR KOMMU INTRODUCTION: The knowledge and the freedom of information are playing an important role in the society for the advancement. For a country like India, which is one of the biggest democracy in the world it is necessary to provide accountability and transparency in the governance. To achieve this there should be freedom of information to the citizens of the country and this as a right. It is the responsibility of the state. So, in the Indian constitution under the fundamental rights article 19 talks about protection of certain rights of all citizens. And article 19 (1) (a) talks about freedom of speech and expression. It is meaningless unless until it provide the access to get information. So, under this article the right to information emerged to facilitate the access to the information. Even though it is recognized as fundamental right we need a process through which we can exercise this there created a necessity for an act to come. As a result, The Right To Information Act came to exist in 2005 i n India. Various countries in the world have already been practicing this Act with different names for many years. This act is referred to as Freedom of Press Act in Sweden, in USA and UK this act is called Freedom of Information Act, in South Africa it is Promotion of Access to Info Act, in New Zealand it is Official Information Act, in Pakistan it is called Right to Information Act. 90 countries in the World have been practicing this Act. Before this act was passed in the center different states of India have also been practicing this act. Tamil Nadu and Goa has been practicing this Act since 1997 and Rajasthan and Karnataka have been practicing since 2000. Delhi since 2001 and Maharashtra and Assam enacted this since 2002. Actual journey of the Right to Information Act in India has started in 1923 through the Official Secret Act. Later in early 1990s it again gained some importance and in the year 2005 after repetitive petitions the RTI Act was passed. ABOUT THE RTI ACT, 2005: This Act was enacted by the permission and the authority of the President of India. In the Parliament, it was enacted in June, 2005. This Act is applicable to all the states in the country but not to Jammu and Kashmir. This Act main objective is to facilitate the access to get information to citizens of the country in a secure way and by this to encourage accountability and transparency in governance. Here the information seek by the citizens is may be in any form. It may be physical form like records, papers, documents, etc or it may be in digital form like e-mails or in any electronic form. There are some exceptions to reveal the information in this Act also. Information that cannot have access to reveal is information related to sovereignty and integrity of India, information prevented by Courts, Cabinet papers, information related to issues under investigation, trade secrets, intellectual property, information related to fiduciary relationship. In Indian constitution, article 19 (2) talks about this. If anyone wants to get some information he/she has send a request to public authority with whatever the fees applicable. They can send their request by writing it on paper, letter or even by electronic media also. They have to mention the full address of the public authority. After receiving the request by the Public Information Officer (PIO) he has to check whether the seeking information is allowed or not. If it is allowed then the PIO will send that information within 30 days. Otherwise it may reject due to some reasons like security, copyright, commercials, etc. If the person, who requested do not get the requested information or proper response from the public authority within 30 calendar days, the person has a chance to give a complaint either to Information Commission or to first appellate authority. This type of complaints can give due to various reasons like late response, demand of cost of information that is not at all reasonable. For the first appeal, the applicant has to application fee along with his/her application. There is no fee when one appeals to Central Government offices. The officer senior to Public Information Officer is called first appellate authority. After one’s appeal reached to this appellate authority they will ask an explanation from PIO. They might invite the person to hear. They will pass a reasonable order within 30-45 days. If the person is not satisfied then also he /she can file second appeal either with State Information Commissioner or with Central Information Commissioner, according to the case. There is no such given time limit for getting response at this level. Too many cases are filed up with these offices. IMPORTANT SECTIONS OF RTI ACT: The RTI Act consists of more than 30 sections and its subsections. In order to get response every time, one has to know about all sections and amendments related to this act. Here are the some important sections of this act Section 3 tells that all citizens have the right. Section 4 tells about proactive disclosures by authorities. Section 6 deals with the request for obtaining information. Section 7 tells about how a person request will be treated. Section 8 tells about exemptions. Section 19 (1): First appeal Section 19 (3): Second appeal Section 20: Penalties and Disciplinary actions. CRITICAL ANALYSIS: This act has been utilized by the people to get information and acted as a tool for judicial approachability wherein the effectiveness may vary from state to state. It has always stood as the authentic means to get information in a formal way in various sectors from education to land. This has also disclosed the regularities to inefficiencies. An empirical evidence for RTI success is the RTI filed by Activist Anil Galgali for Reliance Infra regarding meter connection details. Initially, he was denied information that it was for the public authority, later he complained to the State Information Commission of Maharashtra for deny of information. Due to intervention taken by SIC even the case moved to Bombay High Court, stay was given by Bombay HC on the decision of SIC Maharashtra. RTI has played a vital role and have attained success in various cases such as monitoring of attendance of village in UP school teachers, payment of pension dues from railways, corruption in the master of role in the employment guarantee schemes. RTI also gives the privilege of filing a case irrespective of age which was utilize by an 9 year old student to monitor over the over-speeding of vehicles. Though the Central Information Commission as the power to penalize the politicians does not provide information about their assets and liabilities within stipulated prescribed time but until now this provision is not often used. Our former Prime Minister had stated that even though the RTI Act had been working good there were few concerns regarding public servants expressions. Aruna Roy had criticized the former Prime Ministers view saying the Government has always been inefficient. RTI has also resulted in violence like threatening and in some cases it has also costed lives about 250. The most famous killings were of Satish Shetty from Pune who exposed the land scam, Lalit kumar Mehta for exposing corruption in MGNREGA, and Shela Masood being shot dead at Bhopal. Though the RTI was brought with a noble intention, it is also misuse by pseudo activist where they tend to get an incentive by blackmailing the people wherein it is further leading to ill practices in the society. CONCLUSION: The RTI has brought a sort of monitory and accountability to check the irregularities and inefficiencies in the government. The awareness regarding RTI is low in terms of how to apply, initiation, and some feel that the government is not towards the positive approach of it. The long urge of RTI activists were addressed through Whistle Blowers Protection Act in 2014 wherein it gives power to complainant to make complaint to Competent Authority. For making RTI Act more feasible it has to adopt a type of single window clearance system through appointment of officers and staff for making the process and getting information quickly. Further, the government should show keen interest to protect the interest of whistle blowers and activists. RTI can be seen as an ultimate tool for the public to make informed choices that would help to re-imagine future and build a better society.
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