Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Snapshot of Uniqlo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Snapshot of Uniqlo - Essay Example The company has four major brands – Theory, Comptoir Des Cotonniers and Princesse Tam.Tam and g.u. Theory, which is the mainstay brand, has been experiencing growth in the United States and Japan, and is opening markets in China and Hong Kong. As for August 2011, it was operating 371 brands throughout the world. Comptoir Des Cotonniers is a French label for women, and operates 386 stores across Europe, Japan and the United States. Princesse Tam.Tam is a brand which focuses upon lingerie, home wear and swimwear. This brand operates out of well-known department stores and boutiques, and there are 159 outlets in the United States, led by France, and is available in 40 countries in Europe. g.u. is a brand that specializes in low priced jeans, and has net sales of 30 billion yen annually, and the brand operates 148 stores in total as of August, 2011, with two new flagship stores in Osaka and Tokyo. Uniqlo is looking to expand its Asian market, as they opened their first store in Ta iwan in October of 2010, which generated high sales. Next, they want to focus on other Asian stores, with a focus on China, South Korea and Taiwan, and opening a flagship store in Seoul, Korea, in the fall of 2011, as well as two new stores in New York: one on Fifth Avenue and a megastore on 34th Street. They presently operate stores in the United States, China, France, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the UK. The history of Uniqlo is that they opened their first store in 1984 in Japan, and demand for their products surged with their fleece apparel campaign in 1998. Uniqlo, after experiencing an ebb and flow in their sales from 1998, reworked the strategy to focus on an expansion of women’s wear. Their expansion into international markets began in 1991, starting with the UK. After a successful launch in the UK, they ventured into the markets of China, Hong Kong, South Korea, the United States and France, Singapore and Russia. The bulk of their stores are still in Japan, with 843 in that country, and 181 overseas markets. In 2005, they expanded their domain by purchasing a range of companies worldwide, and these companies are the Comptoir Des Cotonniers, Princesse Tam.Tam and Link Theory Holdings Co., Ltd, who developed the Theory brand. These brands are explained above. At present, their worldwide industry ranking in the apparel specialty stores is exceptional, as they rank fourth overall, in terms of sales, in the world, just behind The Gap. They have more sales then the Limited, NEXT, Polo Ralph Lauren, Esprit, Abercrombie & Fitch and Liz Claiborne. As noted above, they are currently the leading Japanese Domestic Clothing Retail chain. The Uniqlo business model is that they have established a SPA, which is a Specialty Store retailer of Private label apparel, and this business model encompasses all stages of the business, from design and production to final sales. This model has helped them make adjustment to p roduction that reflect the latest sales environment and minimizes store-operation costs, such as personnel costs and rent. It is through this SPA that Uniqlo is able to provide high quality clothing at low prices. They have an Research and Development team which looks at the latest fashions
Monday, October 28, 2019
Anne Frank - Short Essay Essay Example for Free
Anne Frank Short Essay Essay The session that I attended at The Anne Frank Project on September 11, 2009 was Beyond the Diary: Behind the scenes of a Jewish Family in Hiding with Sophia Veffer. Even though I learned some things about the Holocaust during middle school, there still were things that I did not know. The reason why I attended this session is because I wanted to know how some of the Jews were able to survive the Holocaust and I also wanted to know what Sophia’s experience was like actually being a child during the Holocaust. This session connected to the overall theme of the conference because Sophia talked about what she and Anne Frank both had to go through and how some people in different countries still go through similar situations. Today there are still people who get treated differently because of what they look lie or where they come from. Sophia said that if Anne Frank were still alive she would probably try to make a difference by putting an end to these genocides. I was very glad that I got a chance to sit in Sophia’s session because I got to learn about the Holocaust from an actual survivor. She told us how her and her family had eleven different hiding places. I couldn’t even imagine what her childhood must have been like. She had to get rid of everything she owned even her identity. She also talked about how some Jews were not able to go in hiding and the reason was is they had to have money. The only families that went into hiding had money and they knew non Jewish people who would let them hide in their homes. One thing that really upset me is when Sophia said that the Germens pretended as if they did not know what was going on with the Jews. This really made me sad because how could you know that someone is doing wrong and not care to try to change it and make a difference? There are many different issues going on in the world today. One global issue that is of concern to me is homelessness. Every time I see a person out on the street I always think to myself their shoes can fit my feet. I do not mind helping others because after I do a good deed I always feel really good about myself and nothing can take that feeling away. This issue inspires me to try 2 make a small difference by giving them change or bringing them food. One day when me and my sister were driving up the street we saw sum homeless people and their sign said that they were hungry so we went to Mcdonalds and brought them sum burgers. Making a difference starts with a small deed then before you know it your changing the world.
Saturday, October 26, 2019 Essay -- Technology, Vulnerabilities
Three famous real-world examples of first-order XSS vulnerabilities were discovered in [36], CBS News [37] and in ATutor [38]. In 2005 website had XSS vulnerabilities that allowed attackers to impersonate legitimate subscribers of Google’s services. Then, in 2006 CBS News published an official announcement claiming that President Bush appointed a nine-year old boy to be the chairperson of the InfoSec Department. This was obviously a fake news. Recently, an XSS vulnerability was discovered in ATutor that allowed scripts to be injected into nearly every URL request parameter that eventually resulted in the result page to include the malicious scripts. 2.5.2 Stored XSS Stored XSS (aka Persistent or Type 2 or Second-Order) [32, 34, 35] occurs when a vulnerable Web application accepts malicious code, stores it and later distributes it in response to a separate HTTP request. In contrast to reflected XSS, Type 2 XSS rather than getting immediately reflected to the user, the attack payload is stored (in a database or in file system) and displayed to end-users in...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Pride Before the Fall Essay
It was once said by Abraham Lincoln, â€Å"Nearly all men can stand, but if you want to test a man’s character give him power. This quote helped me agree with John Acton Quote, â€Å"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely†. Based on the fact that there is countless amounts of stories of people corrupting, from school principals to political leaders, power will corrupt. For my first example of corruption from power, is the story of a Middle School Principal. This Middle School principal was accused and found guilty to embezzling from her very own school. She was found embezzling over ten thousand dollars in things from dinner bills to electronics. This principal is for me a prime example of power corrupting because just cause she was in power she decided to take from what she was in charge of whether it was moral or not because she was in charge of the school and was only sentenced to four years in prison plus four years parole. Following was the example, which I thought was the most hypercritical, of ten Atlanta police officers. These ten police officers were being accused of corruption based on the fact that they were soliciting drugs. I thought thus to be major corruption because they only took the drugs because they were in uniforms and had supposed authority which they used for their own pleasure and benefits instead of what they were originally hired for which is the serve and protect. Finally was the example which came to me the quickest of a French man. This Frenchmans name was Maximillen de Robespierre most commonly known for being a major leader in the French revolution. Maximillen Robespierre was followed for his leadership skills but was once almost instantly corrupt when in power. What many people don’t know is that Robespierre was a reigning terrorist he used his power and his guillotine which he used in a combination to behead anyone who opposed him or his thoughts publically just to remain in power as long as he was able to.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
“No Sugarâ€Â: analysis of the play Essay
One people One land that’s how the whites saw it back in the early 19 hundreds of the Australian settlement. They didn’t recognise the aboriginal people to be as people, to them they were but cheap labour. The Australian drama â€Å"No Sugar†gives us an insight into this through the lives of a few aboriginal people. The play shows how aboriginal people lose their way and become more reliant on the white man and how the whites used this position of power of them. One cannot survive unless one has ones’ purpose. To aboriginal people their purpose was unrecognised due to the destruction of their past. Which meant that their purpose was lost and without that they faded away with help by the white man. The play is set in the 1929 in Western Australia, in a small settlement called Moore River. The story behind the play is about an aboriginal family and how they work to gain their purpose and fight to survive. This is well characterised and through it’s characters we are able to see the theme to the play that one must have ones’ purpose in order to survive. Characters like Jimmy Munday and Joe represent the stronger aboriginal, the side that stands up to the white man, the side that don’t step back but take a few steps forward. Their courage and willingness to gain their purpose is passed on to the other aboriginal people throughout the play and help bring the aboriginal closer. The theme of the play is a very powerful one as it asks the viewer to think and question himself or herself on to what is their own purpose and how could they achieve their purpose if they have not found it. One has to have ones’ purpose in order to survive. For the aboriginal people their survive was weakened for the fact they had no purpose but to server and live like the whites had showed them how. In settlements or on the street not giving them the right to vote the rights whites had because the white people were afraid of them. They thought that if we let one we would have to let them all and if one can do a white persons job better then a white man. Then Aboriginal people would takeover and white people were afraid of aboriginals having power over them. They enforced laws that weren’t set for the white man. Laws that made sure there could only be one power and that was white and not black. We’ve seen this racial hate, this black against white throughout history. The American civil war, the apartheid in South Africa and now we see it in our own country a place we call free. The aboriginal people saw different they saw only the lines of hate, the lines of white power over black, the segregation that blinded people to think that everything was moral ok. When in fact people were being used as cheap labour and weren’t given a choice, for if you did not accept you were cased into gaol. I believe that the message to the play is true and that one has to have ones’ purpose in order to survive otherwise one lose everything. For the aboriginal people they lost their way. The way of the dreamtime, the stories that used to be past on to generation to generation was been forgotten and that only the elders knew of the stories, the poems and the songs. The elders were fading away and each time one passed a story or a song was forgotten and without these the aboriginal people lost their purpose and turned to the white man to find a new purpose but all they found was lies.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
4 Inspirational Stories from the Hood to Make You Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself!
4 Inspirational Stories from the Hood to Make You Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself! Last summer, I made a promise at the end of a blog about participating in College Summit, a program that prepares inner city high school students to attend college: I announced I would return to the program in 2015. And I kept my promise! From July 23-26, 2015, I worked with four student leaders to find their unique stories and put them down on paper. I was inspired by all of them in different ways, and I’d like to share their stories with you. As you read about these young leaders, consider the things that stop you in your life. My four students each encountered situations that could have brought them down, but they did not give up on themselves or their dreams. Here are their stories (complete with typos and grammatical anomalies). Their names have been changed for purposes of this article. Benita Benita, in an initial writing exercise, referred to a â€Å"family situation†but did not say what it was. We told her we wanted to know more, and she said she didn’t write more about it because she would cry. I told her it was okay and welcome if she cried. In the next exercise, she revealed, tears streaming down her face, that her dad was arrested in front of her eyes when she was 12 years old, and then was quickly deported. He had been trying to do what he could to put food on the table. After her dad’s departure, Benita quit playing soccer; she and her two siblings quit school; and her mother quit eating for seven months. But the family ultimately was able to turn their lives around. Benita rejoined the soccer team; all the kids went back to school; and her mother opened a dance studio. Benita’s dream: to become a history teacher in the neighborhood where she grew up. How remarkable that this young woman wants to give back in the setting that holds so many painful memories. She is creating new and more positive ones. My dad would take us to Disneyland once a month or even once every week. Our family was very cheerful and probably the happiest people anyone knew. When we would be home or somewhere else we didn’t really have enough food for us to eat. But that didn’t matter to us, all we cared about was being so happy and energetic family. Jorge Jorge’s brother Paul was the first in their family to graduate high school and to go to college. He was Jorge’s idol. When Paul dropped out of college, Jorge began to doubt whether he himself had what it took to make it through college. He spoke about how he started to give up on himself, but he said it looks likely that he will graduate this year. What he didn’t mention (and what I found out from one of the college coaches at the program) was that he has a 3.8 GPA and super high SAT math scores for someone from his background. Jorge is passionate about computer science and he has started to regain confidence in himself. I see every reason why he is going to be the first in his family to graduate from college. First period I had a computer science class in which we created our own website, our own game, our own graphics and pictures, and a program for a small robot made out of Legos. Most people thought that this class was boring and pointless, but I honestly thought that this was one of the most fun classes. I wish that I had a computer with all the programs at home to finish it or continue onto something else on my own. Jennifer A fireball from the moment we started working together, Jennifer never shied away from the task at hand. This girl from the ghetto is tired of walking by drug addicts every day. She wants more for herself and for her friends and family. Daring to be different from her neighbors, she has excelled in music and theater wants to be an obstetrician. She’s the one who bandages up the bleeding when her family gets scraped up. And I’ve never heard someone so excited while talking about mitosis! Jennifer is unafraid of the 13 years of schooling she will undergo to reach her dream. Being happy with what I do is an awesome feeling but knowing that it could take me places I could never imagine is even better. I am Jennifer Johnson. I’m from the ghetto. And despite all the negative things that are happening around me I did the things that made me the happiest, and became somebody. Sandra I wouldn’t have guessed that this tiny quiet girl, who at first was reluctant to talk and told us all she had nothing to write about, was captain of her school’s 4-time winning cheer team. Her story of how she got there was inspiring, and even more inspiring was watching her unfold into a true writer. I compete to fight to the top, although there is no path there. I like taking a step forward knowing I can trip. My shoes aren’t always tied, and there will always be cracks and bumps on the floor, but I will tie my shoes, and nothing will stop me from taking another step forward and wanting to run. If you let your untied shoes, your role model’s downfall, your background, or a family crisis stop you from playing full out for your goals, I hope the spirit of Benita, Jorge, Jennifer and Sandra inspires you to keep reaching, fighting, and celebrating.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Capital Punishment misc3 essays
Capital Punishment misc3 essays My opinion on capital punishment is very shaky because of the unstable facts and controversy surrounding this topic. I personally, am caught somewhere in the middle of deciding on being for or against the death penalty. I am for the death penalty for several reasons: I think that we need to get the hardened criminals off the streets and out of our court and jail systems. The death penalty is ultimately the only choice that creates that, even though the accused will be on death row and appealing his/her conviction. I also feel that in some situations the crime of murder is so heinous and vulgar that the guilty party deserves to be put to death. I would like to say that I like the death penalty because it is cheaper than prison, but I would need to see the numbers to compare. My last reason for being for the death penalty is a killer should be killed. I also have a few reasons to be against the death penalty. Does capital punishment really deter crime? I feel that we should not put a person to death just so that person can be the posterboy/girl for crime deterrent. And does a killer really think about that before murdering someone? I also have on my conscience that "thou shalt not kill" is the seventh commandment and killing would be a sin against God, but than again I am not in the jury box, or doing the final deed. I have some further thoughts on capital punishment. I think that capital punishment is far from being cruel and unusual punishment. And in my mind you should be killed for any degree of murder. I don't believe that the death penalty discriminates against minorities because no matter what color skin you can make the choice to commit or not to commit a crime. I also think that we should believe strongly in our court system and know that is has the ability to make the decision of guilt or innocence, and if someone is on death row there should be no doubt in the fact that they belong there. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How Global Capitalism Works
How Global Capitalism Works Global capitalism is the fourth and current epoch of capitalism. What distinguishes it from earlier epochs of mercantile capitalism, classical capitalism, and national-corporate capitalism is that the system, which was previously administered by and within nations, now transcends nations, and thus is transnational, or global, in scope. In its global form, all aspects of the system, including production, accumulation, class relations, and governance, have been disembedded from the nation and reorganized in a globally integrated way that increases the freedom and flexibility with which corporations and financial institutions operate. In his book Latin America and Global Capitalism, sociologist William I. Robinson explains that today’s global capitalist economy is the result of â€Å"...worldwide market liberalization and the construction of a new legal and regulatory superstructure for the global economy... and the internal restructuring and global integration of each national economy. The combination of the two is intended to create a ‘liberal world order,’ an open global economy, and a global policy regime that breaks down all national barriers to the free movement of transnational capital between borders and the free operation of capital within borders in the search for new productive outlets for excess accumulated capital.†Characteristics of Global Capitalism The process of globalizing the economy began in the mid-twentieth century. Today, global capitalism is defined by the following five characteristics. The production of goods is global in nature. Corporations can now disperse the production process around the world, so that components of products may be produced in a variety of places, final assembly done in another, none of which may be the country in which the business is incorporated. In fact, global corporations, like Apple, Walmart, and Nike, for example, act as mega-buyers of goods from globally dispersed suppliers, instead of as producers of goods.The relationship between capital and labor is global in scope, highly flexible, and thus very different from epochs past. Because corporations are no longer limited to producing within their home countries, they now, whether directly or indirectly through contractors, employ people around the world in all aspects of production and distribution. In this context, labor is flexible in that a corporation can draw from an entire globe’s worth of workers, and can relocate production to areas where labor is cheaper or more highl y skilled, should it wish to. The financial system and circuits of accumulation operate on a global level. Wealth held and traded by corporations and individuals is scattered around the world in a variety of places, which has made taxing wealth very difficult. Individuals and corporations from all over the world now invest in businesses, financial instruments like stocks or mortgages, and real estate, among other things, wherever they please, giving them great influence in communities far and wide.There is now a transnational class of capitalists (owners of the means of production and high level financiers and investors) whose shared interests shape the policies and practices of global production, trade, and finance. Relations of power are now global in scope, and while it is still relevant and important to consider how relations of power exist and effect social life within nations and local communities, it is deeply important to understand how power operates on a global scale, and how it filters down through national, state, and local governments to impact the everyday lives of people all over the world. The policies of global production, trade, and finance are created and administered by a variety of institutions that, together, compose a transnational state. The epoch of global capitalism has ushered in a new global system of governance and authority that impacts what happens within nations and communities around the world. The core institutions of the transnational state are the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Group of 20, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. Together, these organizations make and enforce the rules of global capitalism. They set an agenda for global production and trade that nations are expected to fall in line with if they want to participate in the system. Because it has freed corporations from national constraints in highly developed nations like labor laws, environmental regulations, corporate taxes on accumulated wealth, and import and export tariffs, this new phase of capitalism has fostered unprecedented levels of wealth accumulation and has expanded the power and influence that corporations hold in society. Corporate and financial executives, as members of the transnational capitalist class, now influence policy decisions that filter down to all the world’s nations and local communities.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Credit and Financial Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Credit and Financial Analysis - Assignment Example A credit operation should do everything to establish a "suitable credit basis" upon which business with "every customer that the sales department desires to have purchase our products." The way I design your terms and policies should protect me from potential lawsuits and keep my operation steady, but should simultaneously work to get me business. Bad debts and losses are part of the job, but if I don't extend credit, I also can't make anything from it (Jacob, 64). Answer # 2. Every business that extends credit has had to deal with customers filing bankruptcy. The debtor has the benefit of an "automatic stay" immediately upon filing a bankruptcy petition. That stops you from taking any further action to try to collect the debt unless or until the bankruptcy court decides to the contrary. In that case I would be better off if I were shipping on a consignment basis, in that way I would seize any further actions and that will eventually save me from a big loss, which could have incurred in the other way. Question # 3. Two companies, A and B, differ in the nature of their business only in the ways that are mentioned below. Indicate which company is likely to be the better credit risk by writing "A" or "B" next to each of the following and explain: "A" Where Credit risk is involved, some consideration also involves local economy but more precisely the credit history of the company itself irrespective of its location. A company you are lending credit can have office in both the location. Both of them are the largest city of their state. But certainly Philadelphia is much older and bigger than Omaha. Company located in better credit risk would be in A as its local economy favors it. Company A's economy is heavily based upon manufacturing, refining, food, and financial services where as B's local economy is based on agriculture. b.) Company A manufactures women's hats; Company B manufactures women's sportswear - sweater, skits, blouses, etc. "B". Definitely Company B, as its product lines are broad and much more established. From their broad product line, their profits would be much higher than company A. c.) Company A manufacturers only against confirmed orders while company B produces inventory before receiving any orders. "A". Company A would be at better risk as they are working on profit based manufacturing. They will have no risk of excessive inventory in their store and subsequently no loss on manufactured product. d.) Company A plans to produce automobiles and B, auto accessories. Both have starting capital of $10,000,000.00 "A" because Company's A turnover will be much higher than company B. e.) Company A manufactures an unbranded product. Company B makes the same product under an advertised brand name. "B". Company that produce branded products are reliable and well established. Question # 4. In each of the following situations, indicate whether your
Friday, October 18, 2019
Video games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Video games - Essay Example 03 need for speed underground (Sewart, 2006), they game introduced car body customization in which the players could change the appearance of their cars based on their preferences. There have been several versions of the game each with its own unique upgrades; the most recent version is need for speed hot pursuit. This paper is going to focus on the more popular â€Å"most wanted†version which preceded latest one. The game is set in a fictitious city by the name Rosewood and its environs comprising the shorelines sprawling conurbation, and industrial complexes (Need for Speed, 2002). It commences with a pre-arranged story line in which the player enters the game at the bottom of a blacklist and has to make his way up to the top to earn respect rank and money. Other significant future include the fact that one makes money by earning a bounty which is the money rewarded for causing destruction and traffic offences wrecking police cars as well as winning races. In the game, one gets to pick the car of choice from a list of top of the range cars, nevertheless they have to earn their car by making enough virtual money to buy them or qualify to unlock them by winning specific races. The main skills tested in the game are the player’s ability to drive at high speeds and keep ahead of other drivers to win races, on uneven and confusing tracks often under a lot of pressure. This requires a great deal of practice since there are myriad challenges including police officers who arrest and reverse gains made by players by fining or impounding their cars. The game can be played on various platforms e.g. Mac ,windows or desktop or laptop, the player has to first install the game from a DVD (Cannot use CD as it is almost 4 gigabytes), they need a machine that has at least 1 Gb Ram and sufficient memory so as to launch and run the game smoothly (Ltucker, 2009). On the computer keyboard, the players have the option of customizing the customizing the keyboard but the default
How do symphony orchestras manage their members before a song Essay
How do symphony orchestras manage their members before a song successfully performed in front of the audience - Essay Example The implication here is that the musicians/organisational members, must subsume themselves into the whole and, rather than perceive of themselves as individuals, see themselves as integral parts of the unit, complimenting and completing the whole. While there tends to be a dearth in the literature on symphony orchestra management, the few sources which were located for this research unanimously attested to the complexity of managing a symphony orchestra and held the conductor as an exemplification of the total quality manager (Morgan, 1980; Chong, 2000; Rentschler, 2002). Not only is he entirely responsible for the management of orchestra members, musicians, towards the execution of a perfectly timed and completely harmonious and faultless musical performance but his responsibilities include organisational visioning, strategic direction, audience development and fundraising. To be effective, the musical leader/conductor of the orchestra must possess a combination of skills, the most significant of which appear to be artistic and musical skills, organisational skills, and charismatic leadership (Morgan, 1980). Proceeding from the above stated, and as may have been deduced from the foregoing, this research will establish the extent to which effective leadership and efficient management are integral to success, looking at the case of symphony orchestras. 2 Symphony Orchestra as Organisation The operations and performances of the symphony orchestra have always been expensive. In earlier decades, when orchestras presented their unpaid bills at the end of a season, wealthy patrons wrote personal checks to cover the costs. As generations progressed, patronage was no longer a reliable source of financial security, and local corporations stepped up to help with the burden (Holland, 2003). Organisational power was placed into the hands of a Board of Directors culled from the elite patrons (Couch, 2005). As a cultural institution, the symphony orchestra is a collective organisation of diverse groups committed to preserving a vital part of cultural heritage. Through the collaboration and commitment of musicians, administrators, volunteers and patrons, the orchestral organisation protects the viability and strength of symphonic music. Nearly every role in the orchestral organisation demands a combination of high-level skills in music as well as the logistics of production and management. Behaviour in modem orchestras is deeply institutionalised, growing out of practices and traditions that began more than a century ago. With large infrastructures to support, little room for financial errors, and ambiguous leadership structures, orchestras
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The role of education within society especially in regard to the Essay
The role of education within society especially in regard to the interests of pupils and the social life - Essay Example The ability of children to respond to the challenges of school environment has been found to be differentiated in accordance with the conditions of the particular environment, as depended on the rules of education applied in the specific area, the support provided by teachers but also the personal perceptions and mode of behaviour, as being influenced by the family. Current paper focuses on the examination of the relationship between education and the interests of pupils; the potential relationship between education and social life is also reviewed, at the level that education is a critical part of each social framework. It is revealed that education can have a different role in different social conditions, meaning the social ethics and culture. Moreover, education is likely to be affected by the structure and the rules of each educational site, a fact that indicates the potential autonomy of educational institutes as of their priorities and principles. Also, it is verified that the interests of pupils are likely to be differently promoted in each school not only because of the existence of different social rules and ethics but also because of other factors, such as the infrastructure of each school (Heywood 2000), the perceptions of teachers (Chandra and Sharma), the local culture (Leclercq 2003) and the trends in local community (Nasr 1994), which may intervene more or less in the development of rules and principles of education.... In fact, education has been proved as being able to influence not just the life of individuals but also the life of the society. From this point of view, particular emphasis has been given on the identification of the criteria under which education can affect the life of humans but also the characteristics of societies within specific political conditions. Of particular importance seems to be the use of education as a means for achieving personal targets, meaning the development of specific skills and competencies but also the acquisition of valuable knowledge. In accordance with Noddings (2011) the first elements of the philosophy of education can be identified in the views of Plato. It is explained that Plato aimed to answer the following question, which is critical for the philosophy of education: ‘who should be educated and how’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). The analysis of Plato on education is based on the following principle:’ the human talents are analyzed along with the society’s needs so that to identify the role of education within a particular society’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). The above view on education is characterized as rather Utopian, taking into consideration the continuous changes on social needs and beliefs. On the other hand, John Dewey set more realistic criteria for deciding the structure and the priorities of education within modern societies. In accordance with the above theorist the actual role of education in the development of social and private life can be identified through the following method: the study of ‘the consequences of our choices’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). At the next level, Bailey (2010) noted that the potential effects of education on social life and on pupils
Australian contract law problem question Case Study
Australian contract law problem question - Case Study Example The offer may be oral, written or implied from conduct. Offers are of two kinds: a specific offer is made to a specific offeree. No one else can accept it. 'If you propose to make a contract with A, then B cannot substitute himself for A without your consent and to your disadvantage, securing to himself all the benefit of the contract': see Pollock, CB, Boulton v Jones (1857)1. A general offer can be accepted by anyone, and usually without prior notification of acceptance: Carlill v Carbolic Smoke ball Co. (1893)2. It was found in Carlil that there was: 'an offer made to all the world'; 'to ripen into a contract with anybody who comes forward and performs the condition'; and that 'as notification of acceptance is required for the benefit of the person who makes the offer, the person who makes the offer may dispense with notice to himself if he thinks it desirable to do so.' In the given situation, Elaine's statement 'I will give that bike to anyone who can fix my neck', was clearly a general offer. However, neither it was shown that Kramer has validly communicated his acceptance to Elaine nor it was shown that the latter has dispensed with the notice of acceptance. Clearly, there was no valid and enforceable contract between Elaine and Kramer considering that there was no agreement between the parties. However, it can be argued that acceptance may be done by positive conduct of the offeree as long as the acceptance must be active and that there must be some positive act by the offeree: Felthouse v Bindley (1862)3. Hence, Kramer may argue that by massaging Elaine, he has communicated his acceptance by positive conduct to Elaine. Furthermore, a valid offer has certain characteristics: certainty (a promise to pay an extra 15 or 10 buy another horse if a horse 'proves lucky to me' is too vague to amount loan offer: Guthing v Lynn [1831])4 and communication (an offer must be communicated to the offeree before it can be accepted.) Thus, if a seaman helps to navigate a ship home without informing the owners in advance, he cannot insist on payment, since the owners have not had notice of his offer, and, therefore, no opportunity to accept or reject it: Taylor v Laird (1856)5. Thus, in the given situation, the promise 'I will give that bike to anyone who can fix my neck' lacks the requirement of certainty. Such promise is similarly too vague as the promise to pay an extra 15 or 10 buy another horse if a horse 'proves lucky to me' to amount to a loan offer: Guthing v Lynn [1831]) In several cases, it has been ruled that preliminary statement may not amount to an offer. An invitation to treat which is a statement that is intended to elicit an offer from someone else has been ruled to have no legal force as the offer it elicits can be accepted or not without obligation: Gibson v Manchester City Council (1979).6 Moreover, a statement of the price at which one is prepared to consider a selling a piece of land or any communication of information in the course of negotiations is a mere preliminary statement which were held not to be an offer. In the given situation, it can be argued that Elaine's statement was a mere preliminary statement which does not constitute a valid offer. Moreover, another requirement in the creation of a valid and enforceable contract is an intention to create legal relations. In an agreement between friends in a domestic arrangements, there is a presumption
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The role of education within society especially in regard to the Essay
The role of education within society especially in regard to the interests of pupils and the social life - Essay Example The ability of children to respond to the challenges of school environment has been found to be differentiated in accordance with the conditions of the particular environment, as depended on the rules of education applied in the specific area, the support provided by teachers but also the personal perceptions and mode of behaviour, as being influenced by the family. Current paper focuses on the examination of the relationship between education and the interests of pupils; the potential relationship between education and social life is also reviewed, at the level that education is a critical part of each social framework. It is revealed that education can have a different role in different social conditions, meaning the social ethics and culture. Moreover, education is likely to be affected by the structure and the rules of each educational site, a fact that indicates the potential autonomy of educational institutes as of their priorities and principles. Also, it is verified that the interests of pupils are likely to be differently promoted in each school not only because of the existence of different social rules and ethics but also because of other factors, such as the infrastructure of each school (Heywood 2000), the perceptions of teachers (Chandra and Sharma), the local culture (Leclercq 2003) and the trends in local community (Nasr 1994), which may intervene more or less in the development of rules and principles of education.... In fact, education has been proved as being able to influence not just the life of individuals but also the life of the society. From this point of view, particular emphasis has been given on the identification of the criteria under which education can affect the life of humans but also the characteristics of societies within specific political conditions. Of particular importance seems to be the use of education as a means for achieving personal targets, meaning the development of specific skills and competencies but also the acquisition of valuable knowledge. In accordance with Noddings (2011) the first elements of the philosophy of education can be identified in the views of Plato. It is explained that Plato aimed to answer the following question, which is critical for the philosophy of education: ‘who should be educated and how’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). The analysis of Plato on education is based on the following principle:’ the human talents are analyzed along with the society’s needs so that to identify the role of education within a particular society’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). The above view on education is characterized as rather Utopian, taking into consideration the continuous changes on social needs and beliefs. On the other hand, John Dewey set more realistic criteria for deciding the structure and the priorities of education within modern societies. In accordance with the above theorist the actual role of education in the development of social and private life can be identified through the following method: the study of ‘the consequences of our choices’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). At the next level, Bailey (2010) noted that the potential effects of education on social life and on pupils
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Pope Benedict XVI and Enviromental Concerns Term Paper
Pope Benedict XVI and Enviromental Concerns - Term Paper Example of mankind. Admittedly, the only irony is that still, the leader thinks only about the welfare of the mankind; not about the wellbeing of other species. The spiritual leader thinks that the methods of development adopted by the nations are erroneous and are the reasons behind the present day environmental crises. So, it is claimed by the Pope that there is the need to have a long term review of our ‘models of development’. The situation is warranted due to a number of reasons. Firstly, ‘the ecological health of the planet’ is declining, and secondly, there is severe cultural and moral crisis everywhere in the world2. Another important aspect of the environmental view held by Pope Benedict XVI is the realization of the need to unite irrespective of region and religion. In other words, Pope is calling for the unity of all people, all nations, and all cultures to bring about effective changes in the way we deal with environment. Thus, the spiritual leader claim s that only ‘solidarity’ with new rules and forms of engagement can bring about the desired results. Moral decline is linked to environment Being the spiritual leader, Pope considers the present day crisis as the result of moral crises. In other words, the leader claims that all the issues faced by the present-day world are interconnected. To illustrate, the economic, food-related, environmental, and social issues are all the result of moral crises. That means it is high time for the people to adopt a life of ‘sobriety and solidarity’, to adopt such strategies that are useful and to reject the ones that do not work. According to the pope, the present environmental issues arose because humans understood the meaning of god’s command and exploit God’s creation as he wanted to enjoy absolute command over other things in the world. In order to correct this misunderstanding, the pope interpret God’s original command as seen in Genesis, and sa ys that the command does not mean a ‘conferral of authority’. Instead, the pope points out that the command meant a ‘summons to responsibility’. In order to support this position, Pope gives the example of the wisdom of ancients which had recognized the fact that nature is not a ‘heap of scattered refusal which is at our disposal’. Thus, the point the pope wants to put forward is that as Genesis puts it, nature is a gift given by God to man, and he is allowed to ‘till it and keep it’3. Thus, the entire nature belongs to God, and it has its own inbuilt nature. So, the duty of man is to become co-worker of God, not to become tyrants who provoke rebellion in nature. However, as the speech progresses, one can see pope criticizing the unequal distribution of wealth and resources among nations and peoples. Quoting the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, it is pointed out that ‘God has destined the earth and everything it contains fo r all peoples and nations’4. That means the fruits of the creation are not the property of a few people or nations, but all
Monday, October 14, 2019
My Favorite Movie Essay Example for Free
My Favorite Movie Essay As a teen, I was not much into movies, which always got my parents concerned. My parents were very broadminded; they encouraged me to see all types of movies, to develop my interest, so that I could â€Å"know the real world†, as they believed that cinema was a reflection of our daily lives. My brother, who was 15, was even more concerned about my disinterest in movies, and took upon himself, the pious duty of introducing me to the realities of life, though in a starker way. He had a huge collection of seemingly boring movies on his laptop, which he hid from my parents, and which were really good comedies I think. Anyways, when God decided that the time was ripe, I started taking interest in movies. But my genre was horror, yes sir! How I loved those teddy-bear type cuddly cute ghosts, romping without footwear and grunting! I loved the multi-colored vomits and also the shrieks and shouts of the fellow onlookers at the cinema hall.. it was all so hilarious! Yeah, I mean what I say, because I loved these movies for their comic elements, and not horror. I would wait with baited breath for the huge hairy ghost to appear, and wait breathlessly for him to stumble, or fall.. actually sometimes their masks would be so obvious, that one waited for the mask to obstruct their eyes, which often did. Witches who would howl and try scaring were completely oblivious to exposed lace under the skin outfits, and they would unceremoniously get caught in their own tatters and fall down the stairs with a thud! I could go on and on, but dear readers, let me jump on to my favorite movie amongst all I saw. I had watched many a movie, till I saw the posters of this movie appear on all city walls. It was called â€Å"Paapi Guddi ka Papa Gudda†, which crudely translated would mean â€Å" Devilish Doll’s Dad’s a Doll†. This magnum opus I guess, was much ahead of its times, like my elder bro (though for different reasons), and this I guess was the reason why it did not fare well at the box office those days. It was about a loving dad and his daughter, who move to a countryside home and get possessed without much ado. A series of exorcisms then begin, but not before the dad and the prodigal daughter have rid the countryside of a big part of the population. The duo, after dismembering their victims would treat them in some chemicals and stuff them and decorate their mantelpieces with these new fashioned dolls! I don’t remember who the cast and crew were, because they were never heard about after the movie. Sometimes I think that many of these poor actors perish on the sets during the making of the movie for want of medical aid, or even food. But let me not digress dear reader, lets move on! The movie was rated â€Å"R†, and I had to see it any cost. It was summertime and I convinced my parents that our school was taking the entire class to a special show for kids of the movie â€Å"Santa Comes, and How!†I then got my dad’s raincoat to make me look an adult and even bought a cigarette, just to gain entry. The readers can imagine a 13 year old midget, wearing dark glasses, cigarette in hand, and a long raincoat trailing behind me, as it does when you see models in Gucci evening gowns with white satin trailing them mopping the ramp! I was accosted by the checker at the cinema gate and was about to be dishonored when he comfortingly said,†No smoking inside the hall please†! I was so relieved, I thought I was about to be caught, but my clever camouflage was a hit. I coolly chucked the cigarette behind me with a style that could beat Chuck Norris, and saw a big hole made immediately in my dad’s raincoat trailing behind me! Thankfully the raincoat was so oversized that I could just turn around and stomp out the fire, still I had to carefully cut and alter the length later so that no one suspected; except my confused dad who kept remarking, †Strange! Never saw a raincoat shrink before!†The movie was a real laugh riot.. for me I mean. The stupid audience was so scared that they turned the hall upside down shrieking, howling and shouting. These elders, I thought, have no self control. Could they not just enjoy the movie quietly? I was just getting into the story and waiting for those fun moments to appear when the man beside me suddenly shrieked. I turned around to see him staring at the usher who had come out of nowhere and beamed his flashlight on the poor guy’s face! After a minute or two, when the cute cuddly bear type ghosts made an appearance, a much louder shriek was heard, which got everybody’s attention. It was the usher himself this time, having beamed his torch on some woman, and getting scared himself. The lady was not pleased at all, but I must admit that she could have done with a little more make-up before venturing into some public place; its just not right to scare people, right? The movie was so entertaining!! The dad had already turned into a monster and was now attired in a hairy suit, strings of which were visible behind his neck. At one juncture, while accosting a victim, the string got stretched, and he was just about to gasp for air and scream himself, when the editor played a spoilsport and ruined the fun. Well, more would come I thought, and it did. In one scene, while chasing a victim, who, God alone knows why, was strolling in a cemetery at the dead of night, the monster dad clearly tripped over a pointed stone and one could see painful emotions on his face, which the editor also could not conceal. He even swore badly, as I was good at reading lips, but the words were not dubbed later I guess. The daughter too had her shares of bloopers, when in one particular scene she had to shout to scare a victim in a bathroom, she accidentally peeked in the mirror and shrieked loudly! Obviously her make-up as a ghost was so convincing that even she got scared of her own reflection! But nothing could be hid from my eyes though, because I always had an eye for details since the day I was born. I even remember the soft, pink fingers of the nurse who delivered me, but that dear reader is another essay material! When the dad was first brought to justice by the local folk, the scene involved a lot of ketchup and sauce, and many juniors standing behind could be seen licking their lips with their tongues! The dad was laid in a coffin and a makeshift priest was to exorcise the dirty soul. The priest looked really holy in his white robes, except for flashy red jockey shorts highlighted under his raiment. His bald head showed from under the wig, which was secured around his egg-shaped head with a lace, supposed to be skin colored, which conflicted a good three shades with his skin and one end of which was clearly visible hanging behind his ear and annoying him no end! And when he was to hammer the wooden stake in the guy’s chest, the small piece of wood that shielded the man’s chest and was directly under the stake, showed, and even slipped when the hammer-blow fell, and the devil in dad winced in pain! It was so genuine that the poor guy hit the roof without the aid of any special effects and landed back in the coffin with a thud, and the dad thankful to the crew for not providing a metal stake! The audience shrieked and wailed throughout, and when the lights finally came on, many more shrieks were heard! One woman shrieked seeing the man sitting next to her chewing her stole! The man shrieked seeing the woman shriek! An old guy screamed discovering he had chewed his umbrella handle! Another screamed at his popcorn spilled in his lap, not out of fear, come on! The popcorn was buttered and he had ruined his best pair, that’s why! Another woman shouted wildly, discovering that the man to her left was not her husband, and whose hand she had been holding throughout! Her husband who was seated to her right, was slapped by the man on his right, whose hand he was holding, thinking it to be some woman’s! There were even more screams as a lady had sneaked in with her cat, which went berserk listening to the shrieks of the audience. Two girls who were my age, shrieked on seeing their parents seated next to them! In short it was wholesome entertainment! The movie was good fun, with plenty of gaffes and bloopers for me. And what a surprise, I even found my English teacher while leaving the cinema hall. Yes Sir, I had seen you that day, and I do recognize your wife, who looked quite different that day at the movie. Yes Sir, I do know your address and your phone number Sir. Hope you enjoyed the essay Sir. And just to mention Sir, I need a minimum of 80 percent marks in this essay to pass my English test. I know you won’t let me down!!
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Impact of Work Related Stress in Nurses
Impact of Work Related Stress in Nurses WORK RELATED STRESS AMONG NURSES AND ITS EFFECTS ON QUALITY CARE DELIVERY IN TAMALE TEACHING HOSPITAL BACKGROUND Stress is a concept describing the interrelationship between a person and the environment. It is the response by a person to stressors in the environment. Selyes General Adaptation Theory (Selye, 1976) described stress response as biophysiologic in nature. When the person is subjected to a stressor, a characteristic syndrome of physical reactions will occur. The stress concept can also be seen as active in a holistic view of the person. The stress response can be physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual in nature and is usually a combination of these dimensions. Stress, similarly, can arise from one or more dimensions and can be either internal or external. Stress and the negative outcomes of stress have been recognized as financially costly to any health care organization. Negative outcomes of job stress among nurses include illness, decline in overall quality of care, job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and staff turnover (Schwab, 1996). Job stress describes the stress associated with the professional or work environment. Tension is created when the demands of the job or the job environment exceed the capacity of the person to respond effectively. Job stress varies with each work environment. Job satisfaction has been shown to be closely affected by job stress. In a metaanalysis of variables related to nurses job satisfaction, Blegen (1993) identified the variables of age, autonomy, commitment, communication with peers and supervisors, education, fairness, locus of control, professionalism, recognition, stress and years of experience. Blegens analysis found stress and commitment to have the strongest relationship with job satisfaction. Irvine and Evans (1995) also found a strong negative correlation between stress and job satisfaction although not as strong as that found by Blegen. Job satisfaction has also been negatively linked to intention to leave and actual turnover (Hinshaw Atwood, 1983; Irvine Evans, 1995; Price Mueller, 1981). Although job satisfaction is a complex construct, the strong negative correlation to stress and behavioral intent to leave employment warrants the attention of nursing administrators. Attention to job satisfiers may not be sufficient to o ffset the job stress experienced by nurses thus leading to thoughts of leaving employment.  Freudenberger coined the term burnout in 1974 to describe workers reactions to the chronic stress common in occupations involving numerous direct interactions with people. Burnout is typically conceptualized as a syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. PROBLEM STATEMENT Nurses occupy a particularly interesting position in the provision of health care. Often they are the sole intermediary between the doctor and the patient and in the front line of health services. Nursing requires a great deal of collaboration with other clinical professionals with different cultures, social backgrounds, as well as the ability to take on various roles during a single workday. These might include participation in teams, attendance during rounds and meetings, field trips, palliative work, providing counseling to patients and their families, and social services. These stressful situations obviously caused problems for nurses in their daily work. Job stress among healthcare staff is becoming a common occurrence in most public health services (Winstanley and Whittington, 2002:303). In the high demand for effectiveness and efficiency of public health service delivery, nursing staff is placed on a high responsibility to ensure the demand of public citizen is satisfied (Ritter et al., 1995:164). Nursing focuses on activities that relate to diagnosis and treatment of human responses to health and illness phenomena. However, inherent in this caring occupations are numerous sources of built-in stress that become occupational hazards for nurses (Huber, 1996:560). There are many components to this experience of stress such as staff shortages, high level of responsibility, dealing with the death and the dying, dealing with patients relatives, coping with the unpredictable, making critical judgment about interventions and treatment, and balancing between work and family commitments. These are forces that realistically generate stress am ong nurses (Gordon, 1999:285; Aurelio, 1993:1-10). The issue of insufficient nursing staff and its effects has caused many nurses experiencing job stress in carrying out their responsibility and maintaining the standards of patient care in public health services (Mackay, 1989:60-61). Furthermore, staff shortages with increasing workload raise concerns to the nurses ability to cope and deliver adequate service to the client, which in turn create a stressful environment within nursing profession (Mackay,1989:60; Huber, 1996:561). PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study is to determine the level of work related stress among nurses of tamale teaching hospital, its effects on their health and effects of the stress in their delivery of quality care to the patients. OBJECTIVES To determine the level of work related stress among nurses and its effect on quality care delivery in Tamale Teaching Hospital. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To investigate the most prominent sources of job stress among nurses in Tamale Teaching hospital To investigate the most prominent effects of job stress among nurses in Tamale Teaching hospital To explore the most preferred coping mechanism to reduce job stress among nurses in Tamale Teaching hospital RESEARCH QUESTIONS What are the most prominent sources of job stress among nurses in the hospital What are the most prominent effects of job stress among nurses in the hospital What is the most preferred coping mechanism to reduce job stress among nurses in hospital SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This research is to identify the sources of job stress, effects of job stress on the nurse and coping mechanism adopted among nurses. It is hoped that the findings will provide great understanding of the major causes of job stress and its effects towards nurses in Tamale Teaching Hospital. The findings will also address some implication concerning the coping mechanism adopted by nurses in Tamale Teaching Hospital when dealing with job related stress. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS Stress is a concept describing the interrelationship between a person and the environment. Burnout is typically conceptualized as a syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. LITERATURE REVIEW Stress has been used to describe the bodys mobilization on dealing with a challenge or threat (Griffin, 1990). Drafke and Kossen, (2002) defined stress as the bodys non-specific response to any demand. Selye classified stress into two categories, each with two variations: distress (harmful or disease-producing stress) and eustress (beneficial stress) (Drafke and Kossen, 2002). Selye introduced General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model in his study of stress, which consisted of 3 stages; alarm, resistance and exhaustion. The distinction between short and long term effects of stress on the body is brought out by this model (Marshall and Cooper, 1979). Besides the physiologically oriented approach to stress represented by the classic GAS model, attention is also being given to the psychological and the behavioral dimension of stress (Luthans, 1998). All three dimensions are important to the understanding of job stress and coping mechanism in modern organizations. Stress is an unavoidable feature of modern living. The impact of dynamic and uncertain environment characterized by restructuring, reengineering, layoff and downsizing threatenes ones personal security of employment (Huber, 1996). Generally, stress is always thought of in negative terms. That is, stress is perceived as something bad, annoying, threatening and not wanted (Mckenna, 1994). For example, words or phrases such as depression, feeling out of control, overworked, migraine or headache, time pressure, anxiety, cannot sleep, are commonly used to express what stress means to us personally (Sutherland and Cooper, 2000). Stress is one of those words that everybody knows the meaning of but none can define it (Woodham, 1995). As a result, it is vital to give attention to what stress is not about in todays organization. As pointed out by Luthans (1998) three major misconceptions about stress are as follows: Stress is not simply anxiety. Anxiety operates solely in the emotional and psychological sphere, whereas stress operates both and also in the physiological sphere. Thus, stress may be accompanied by anxiety, but the two should not be equated. Stress is not simply nervous tension. Like anxiety, nervous tension may result from stress, but the two are not the same. Unconscious people have exhibited stress and some people may keep it bottle up and not reveal it through nervous tension. Stress is not necessarily something damaging, bad or to be avoided. Stress is inevitable. Stress is not damaging or bad and is something people should seek out rather than avoid. The key is how the person handles stress. A certain amount of stress is essential to sustain life and moderate amounts serve as stimuli to perform but overpowering stress can cause a person to respond in a maladaptive physiological or psychological manner (Sullivan and Decker, 2001). From the organizations viewpoint, stress in the workplace usually is perceived as something undesirable and is a normal pressure most people experienced at work (Krumm, 2001). Stress is generally viewed in terms of the fit between peoples needs, abilities, and expectations with environmental demands, changes, and opportunities (Cummings and Worley, 1997). The General Adaptation Syndrome or GAS is an early model of stress which viewed stress response as a natural human adaptation to a stressor (to change or leave the stressors) in the individuals physical or psychological environment (Champoux, 2003). Selye described the process of GAS into three stages (Cooper and Marshall, 1978): Alarm reaction in which an initial shock phase of lowered resistance is followed by countershock during which the individuals defense mechanisms become active. Resistance the stage of maximum adaptation and hopefully successful return to equilibrium for the individual. If, however, the stressor continues or defense does not work, the individual will move on to; Collapse or Exhaustion when adaptive mechanisms collapse. Fully understanding stress and its many effects must involve great attention to the three related stages (Selye, 1956). Arousal rises quickly to high levels and many physiological changes that prepare our bodies for strenuous activity (either flight or fight) to take place. The body prepares to fight or adjust to the stressor by increasing respiration, heart rate, muscle tension and blood sugar. The initial reaction is soon replaced by the second stage known as resistance. At this point, if a stressor is too intense the individual may feel restless to cope with it. However, after a short period of alarm the individual will gather all strength and start resisting the negative effects of the stressor. The body tries to return to a normal state by adapting to the stressor. If stress persists, the bodys resources may become depleted and the final stage known as exhaustion occurs. During the exhaustion stage the body begins to wear down from exposure to the stressor. At this point, the ab ility to cope decreases sharply and severe biological damage may result if stress persists. If a person experiences the stressor long enough and does not effectively manage the source of stress then stress-related illnesses can appear. The damaging effects of stress occur in this stage for both the individual and organization (Baron and Greenberg, 1990; Champoux, 2003; Payne and Walker, 1996; Greenberg, 2002; Griffin, 1990). While stress is reflected by the sum of the nonspecific changes which occur in the body at any one time the GAS encompasses all nonspecific changes as they develop throughout time during continued exposure to a stressor (Selye, 1956). The GAS is a useful model for explaining physiological processes which may lead to stress-related illness (Payne and Walker, 1996). The GAS theory says (Selye, 1956; Rice, 2000; Lyon, 2000). All life events cause some stress. Stress is not bad per se, but excessive or unnecessary stress should be avoided whenever possible. The stressor is the stimulus eliciting a need for adaptation; stress is the response. The nonspecific aspects of the bodys reaction to an agent may not be as obvious as the specific effects. Sometimes, only disease or dysfunction will make an individual realize that he or she is under stress. Stress should be monitored. Removal of the stressor eliminates stress. Stress is a natural and essential part of living and growing (Burns, 1992). Moderate levels of stress and stimulation such as challenging but achievable goals can energize and motivate employees. The middle area of the graph shows the stress levels that result in the greatest performance. When a level of arousal exceeds our ability to meet the demand placed upon us we will experience feelings of burnout, exhaustion and ultimately will impair employees performance (Wright and Noe, 1996). Extremely high and extremely low level of stress tends to have negative effects on performance. A certain amount of stress among employees is generally considered to be advantageous for the organization because it tends to increase work performance. However, when an employee experiences too much or too little stress, it is generally disadvantageous for the organization because it tends to decrease work performance (Certo, 2000). In conclusion, stress is an environmental action that places special physical and/or psychological demands that produce an adaptive response that is influenced by individual differences (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2004). SOURCES OF STRESS A variety of studies have shown that quantitative work overloads are potent sources of stress in the workplace in which individuals are asked to do more work than they can complete in a specific period of time (Cassar and Tattersall, 1998; Mullins, 1999; Fox et al., 1993; Ganster and Murphy, 2000). Another major source of job stress is associated with a persons role at work (Marshall and Cooper, 1979). Role ambiguity refers to an employee who is uncertain about how to perform on the job, what is expected in the job and unclear relationship between job performance and expected consequences (Rue and Byars, 1997). Role conflict arises from inconsistent expectations of the organization or from job-related expectations conflicting with a persons other roles (Wright amd Noe, 1996). Cooke and Rousseau (1984), in their study on Michigan teachers to investigate the effects of family roles and work-role expectations on strain. Role theory predicts that multiple roles can lead to stressors (wor k overload and inter-role conflict) and, in turn, to symptoms of strain. The results of this study were generally consistent with the role theorys prediction for work-role expectations that were found to be related to work overload and inter-role conflict and these stressors were found to be related to strain. The finding also indicated that family roles found to be related to strain in three ways: interaction with work-role expectation, those who are married, and those who have children (Cooke and Rousseau, 1984). In addition, there is a consistent relationship between the behavioral characteristics of different jobs and the levels of various stresses experienced by a group of employees. The findings indicated that five of the divisional job dimensions correlate with at least half of the 18 stress variables. Two studies, were conducted on occupational stress and its relation with antecedent variables and job performance among nurses in four hospitals. The finding of the first study indicated that work overload, uncooperative patients, criticism, negligent co-workers, lack of support from supervisors, and difficulties with physician caused stress to hospital nurses. As a result, nurses performed their jobs less effectively. The finding of the second study indicated that there was no significant relationship in years of nursing experience, age, tenure in their nursing unit, tenure in their hospital, or whether they worked full time or part time with job-related stress and job performance among n urses (Motowidlo, 1986). The lack of supportive relationship or poor relationship with peers, colleagues and the superiors are also potential sources of stress, leading to low trust and low interest in problem solving (Khan and Byosiere, 1995; Baron and Greenberg, 1990; Schultz and Schultz, 1994). Relationship at workplace can be classified into relationship with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, those who use your goods/services, those who supply you with goods/services and those whose decisions affect your status and resources (Ward, 1987). It is not possible to obtain a complete stress profile by looking only at sources of stress in the workplace. Thus, it is vital to consider the interfaces that exist between work, home and social life of an individual that contribute to stress. These include marriage, pregnancy, illness, divorce (Baron and Greenberg, 1990), hassles of daily life-household hassles, time pressure hassles, inner concern hassles, environmental hassles, financial responsibilities (Baron and Greenberg, 1990), worries about children, health, misplacing things, worry about crime and rising prices (Schultz and Schultz, 1994). EFFECTS OF STRESS It is vital to know the effects of job stress on physical health, psychological and behavioral on an individual after understanding the nature of stress and major sources of job stress. There is overwhelming evidence to indicate that continuous exposure to stressful situations, or an accumulation of stressors over a period of time, is directly associated with the onset of illness, emotional stress and engaging negative activities (Burns, 1992; Jones, 1988). The fact that stress can make people ill and is implicated in the incidence and development of coronary heart disease, mental illness, certain types of cancer, smoking, dietary problems, excessive alcohol consumption and substance abuse, life dissatisfaction, accident and unsafe behavior at work, migraine, stomach ulcers, hay fever, asthma and skin rashes, marital and family problems (Dalton, 1998; Cooke and Rousseau, 1983). Moreover, it was identified that an individual who has poor problem-solving and coping skills, inability to understand and cope with own emotions, and lack of social and self- assertion skills is more vulnerable to stress and subsequent alcohol and drug misuse (Vetter, 1981). Generally, the effects of work stress occur in three major areas. The effects of stress on physiological include increased of blood pressure, increased of heart rate, sweating, hot and cold spells, breathing difficulty, muscular tension and increased of gastrointestinal disorders. Effects of stress on psychological consist of anger, anxiety, depression, lowered self-esteem, poorer intellectual functioning, inability to concentrate and make decisions, nervousness, irritability, resentment of supervision and job dissatisfaction (Chen and Spector, 1991). Decreased performance, absenteeism, higher accident rates, higher turnover rates, higher alcohol and other drug abuse, impulsive behavior and difficulties in communication are few effects of stress on behavioral (Hellrigel, 1986; Bhagat, 1985). COPING MECHANISMS Based on the above reviews, job stress can be a detrimental to the health and well-being of an individual. Therefore it is important to discuss effectively ways of responding to stress on the individual level. Generally, coping has been focused on internal and external resources for coping with stress which deal with work and general life stresses (Cartwright and Cooper, 1996). Coping can be defined as constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984). Coping is also viewed as a dynamic process and response to situation characterized by uncertainty and important consequences (Latack, 1986). Furthermore, coping is illustrated as a process oriented, non-automated adaptive behavior, effort, and managing life stressors (Backer et al., 2000). With these general definitions, coping can be best illustrated as managing taxing circumstances, expending efforts to solve lifes problems and seeking to master or reduce stress (Burke and Weir, 1980). From the literature, successful coping does not mean eliminating all stress. It is important to understand the nature of stress at workplace and its effect before we can reduce or moderate stress. A healthy person will face stress confidently, deals with it and gets beyond it. It is important for an individual to develop coping mechanisms to reduce job stress and apply these coping mechanisms into use in his/her everyday life (Krohne, 1996). The involvement of workers or workers group of all phases is equally necessary to ensure successful implementation of stress intervention to combat job stress in the workplace (Murphy, 1995). A coping mechanism can be effective if resources are targeted to specific problems and aimed at the elimination of the sources of stress. The success to reduce job stress in the workplace embraces both individual coping mechanism and effective organizational intervention on stress management. METHODOLOGY This chapter describes the study design, the study area, the study population and the sampling procedure as well as the recruitment of respondents and the data collection procedure. The data entry and analysis is also outlined in this chapter. RESEARCH DESIGN This study is a cross-sectional study method designed to determine the level of work related stress among nurses of tamale teaching hospital, its effects on their health and effects of the stress in their delivery of quality care to the patients. RESEARCH SETTING The study will be conducted at the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH). It is a primary tertiary referral centre providing patient care to residents of Tamale and neighbouring towns and cities. The hospital has about 30 wards from which the respondents would be solicited. TARGET POPULATION This study will target the registered nursing staff with at least three years experience at the Tamale Teaching Hospital. SAMPLE, SAMPLE SIZE, AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE The sample size is 240 respondents this was arrived at by the using Cochran formula. Sample Size = [z2 * p(1-p)] / e2 / 1 + [z2 * p(1-p)] / e2 * N] N = population size z = z-score e = margin of error p = standard of deviation N= 655 Z= 1.96 (using 95% confidence interval) E=0.05 P= 0.5 Sample size = [(1.96)2*0.5(1-0.5)]/0.052 / 1 + [1.962*0.5(1-0.5)]/0.052* 655 Sample size = 384.16/1.6375 Sample size= 235 An extra 5 was added to make it 240 respondents. INCLUSION CRITERIA Respondents must be registered nurses with at least 3 years working experience in the Tamale Teaching Hospital. EXCLUSION CRITERIA Nursing students and nurses who have not worked up to three years will be excluded from the study. DATA COLLECTION TOOL A well-structured questionnaire will be used to collect socio-demographic data, knowledge on work related stress from the respondents. PROCEDURE FOR DATA COLLECTION Probability sampling technique will be used. This will be done to give an equal opportunity to all the targeted population. The data collection will employ the use of structured questionnaire which respondents will checked and also gave short answers to some questions to solicit data from respondents. All the wards will be successfully visited on a daily basis to get eligible participants for the study. Purposive sampling will be used to select clinicians from the hospital who will be available during the data collection from Tamale Teaching Hospital. The study collected data on the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, general knowledge about hand washing, assess the differences across age groups, gender and their experiences regarding handwashing through the use of a structured questionnaire administered by the research assistants with minimal clarification from the research assistants. Primary data will be collected and used in the analysis. DATA ANALYSIS The data will be coded into excel and then entered into SPSS V.16 for analysis. Responses were assigned codes in the form of numbers, which made it easy for keying in the responses into a computer format. Univariate analysis was done for socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and also for areas that require only descriptive statistics. Bivariate analysis will be performed to find associations or relationships between socio-demographic characteristics and level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of clinicians on handwashing ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS Approval will be obtained from the Ethics and Research Committee of the hospital. Formal consent will be obtained from the respondents prior to administration of questionnaire. Participants will be informed the study is purely for academic purposes and names will not be needed and assuring them of their privacy. Respondents were also told that they had the right not to participate in the study. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The main limitations will be resources, time. Also, bias in the sampling procedure could occur. REFERENCES Drafke, M.W. and Kossen, S. (2002). The human side of organizations, 8th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Dubrin, A.J. (1985). Effective business psychology, 2nd ed. Virginia: Reston Publishing Company. Freudenberger H.J.( 1974) Staff burn-out. J Social Issues;30(1):159-85. Griffin, R.W. (1990). Management, 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Haw MA.( 1982) Women, work and stress: A review and agenda for the future. J Health Soc Behav;23: 132-44. Huber, D. (1996). Leadership and nursing care management. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. Luthans, F. (1998). Organizational behavior, 8th ed. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill Marshall, J. and Cooper, C.L. (1979). Executive under pressure: A psychological study. New York: Praeger. Maslach C, Jackson S. (1982) Burnout in health professions: A social psychological analysis. In: Sanders G, Suls J, eds. Social psychology of health and illness. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum;. p. 79-103. McGrath, J.E. (1976). Stress and behavior in organizations. In Dunnette, M.D. (ed), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally. Mckenna, E. (1994). Business psychology and organizational behavior: A students handbook. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Near JP, Rice RW, Hunt RG.( 1980) The relationship between work and nonwork domains: a review of empirical research. Acad Manage Rev;5:415- Pearlin LI. (1983) Role strains and personal stress. In: HB Kaplan, ed. Psychological stress. Trends in theory and research. New York: Academic Press; Rice, V.H. (2000). Theories of stress and relationship to health. In Rice, V.H. (ed), Handbook of stress, coping, and health: Implication for nursing. Research, theory, and practice. London: Sage Publications Rue, L.W. and Byars, L.L. (1997). Management: Skills and application, 8th ed. Chicago: Irwin. Sutherland, V.J. and Cooper, C.L. (2000). Strategic stress management: An organizational approach. London: Macmillan Business.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Jurassic Park :: Essays Papers
Jurrasic Park 2 Jurassic Park Jurassic Park takes place on an Island off the Coast of Costa Rica which is owned by a multimillionaire, John Hammond. On this island he has set up a genetical engineering facility which permits him and his scientist to create dinosaur from blood extracted from prehistoric mosquitos, that have been preserved in amber. Before he opens this living attraction to the public he needs specialist to approve the park. He brings them to the island and begins to show them what he has accomplished. While they are touring the island one of the computer programmers, Dennis Nedry, is secretly planning to steal dinosaur embryos from the park and sell them to a company that is trying to compete with Hammond. The only way Nedry can obtain these embryos is to immobilize the park by interrupting the parks normal function, so that he could sneak in and steal the embryos. This all takes place while the visitors are out in the park touring, and in the mist of a terrible storm. After Nedry has executed a virus in order to steal the embryos the storm hits, and the park power goes out. As the power goes out the visitors to the island are stuck in the middle of nowhere, with an escaped T-Rex. Everyone flees and is scattered through the park. The animals begin attacking the control building, while they are search for food. Since all the power is out there is no way to stop them, or containing them. In the hysteria a scientist , Wu, discovers that the dinosaurs have been mating, which they thought wasn't possible, because they were only cloning females, but the dinosaurs have adapted and have found a way to reproduce. They think they got the power back on so they try to put all the animals back in their holding areas. Little did they know that the whole time the park was running on auxiliary power, and once this power ran out they could not restore the main power. When all the power finally ran out the animals began attacking at full force now. Their only alternative to get the power restored is to have someone manually turn on another auxiliary power generator so they could get the main power running again. The visitors and the staff of Jurassic Park escape but with two casualties. They escape by having a helicopter pick them up.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ancient Chinese Innovations
Ancient Chinese Innovations Jennifer E Strayer University Humanities 111 Ancient Chinese Innovations The ancient Chinese culture has probably contributed more to the advancement of humans than any other. In China’s long history they have shown us many extremely important inventions. In the modern world we take a lot of these innovations for granted even though we use many of them on a daily basis. I have often wondered who invented many items I use and it surprised me to find out that most things I use and quite possibly cannot live without were invented in ancient China.What would we do if paper had not been invented we may still be etching on stone and bones? Cai Lun successfully invented the very first batch of paper using fish nets and tree bark around 105 BCE. The invention of toilet paper would not have been possible without making paper first. Navigation was made easier with the invention of the compass. Would marinara sauce taste as good if it were not covering pasta o r ravioli? Pasta was invented around 300 BCE, nearly 2000 years before the Italian or the Arabs. Would the wars of the world ended the way they did without gunpowder?Around 850 CE, Chinese alchemist discovered gunpowder while searching for immortality. Many historical records and books might not have been made if it were not for the ease of moveable-type printing, which allowed for mass production of written material. Earthquake detection is another invention that many might not have lived without it. The early seismograph created during the Han dynasty around 132 CE used a pendulum to alert for a coming earthquake. While it is not known who first invented the sundial, the first mechanical clock was an important innovation by the ancient Chinese. Clark, 2009; Laudan, 2000; University C. , n. d; Unknown, Top 10 greatest inventions of ancient China, 2007) I think the four most innovative inventions given to us by China are the compass, toilet paper, moveable-type printing and the sund ial. The magnetic compass was first made somewhere between 221-206 BCE during the Qin dynasty. The original use was in fortune telling until it was discovered that it was better used at pointing out real directions. Originally used as padding or packing material n the second century BCE, the early Chinese writers mention using toilet paper as we do today as early as 589 BCE. The Chinese invented Woodblock printing over 2,000 years ago. Bi Sheng invented moveable clay type printing from which all later printing methods were developed from. The world’s first clock was invented by Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk and mathematician, his clock operated by having water drip onto a wheel that made a revolution every 24 hours. Hundreds of years later Su Song, an astronomer and mechanist, created what we know as the ancestor of the modern clock. Bellis, n. d; University C. , n. d; Unknown, Top 10 greatest inventions of ancient China, 2007) Our modern world was created on the foundation of the se innovations, they have been improved upon and upgraded over the centuries but the basic ideas remain the same. If there were one of these inventions that I simply would not want to live without it would have to be toilet paper. While water was the common way to cleanse after each trip to the bathroom, the convenience and ease of using toilet paper had travelers to China commenting about people’s cleanliness as early as 851 CE.In any natural disaster one key thing is sanitation; toilet paper is much more sanitary than using your hand and some water. A few months ago I saw a documentary called No Impact Man, where Colin Beaven, his wife and daughter, took part in a yearlong experiment to see if they could go that long and not impact the environment. One of the experiments was if they could go a year without using toilet paper. They did it, using cloth instead, just like cloth diapers, wash and reuse. While I know now that I could survive without toilet paper, I simply would not want to. Rowles, 2010) Works Cited Barsoum, D. M. (2006, December 18). Solving the Mysteries of the Pyramids. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from Department of Materials Science & Engineering: http://www. materials. drexel. edu/News/Item/? i=948 Bellis, M. (n. d). The Compass and other Magnetic Innovations. Retrieved February 25, 2012, from inventors. About. com: http://inventors. about. com/od/cstartinventions/a/Compass. htm Clark, J. (2009, March 9). Top 10 Ancient Chinese Inventions. Retrieved February 17, 2012, from HowStuffWorks. com:
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Managing project
GILL-alienation Group for Lean Construction (1993) proposed the concept of lean construction, because of the report- ‘Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction' which was written by Laura(1992). Howell and Ballard (1997) set up LLC-The Lean Construction Institute and Introduced Lean Project Delivery System (LAPS) in order to reduce the waste at each part of project. This article will discuss on diversity contents in LAPS such as its principles, theory, ‘OFF analyses another approach, which is mentioned in the MAMBO, being used in construction as well. . Discussion . 1 the application of LAPS in construction industry LAPS consist of 4 major parts which are project definition, lean design lean supply and lean assembly. Moreover, different parts internal with each other in these 4 major parts (Ballard 2003). Project definition are required to contain all stakeholders aims and values, the concept of design as well as the criteria of design. Lean design not only needs to reflect the values, concepts 3 and criteria but also saves time to develop and explore alternatives.Lean supply is definite as an effective system which includes detailed engineering, fabrication and livery. Lean assembly consists of how to deliver the materials and how to install them. Deeply, there are 6 principles being used to guide the implementation of LAPS. These principles contain eliminating waste, build quality in, create knowledge, deliver fast, respect people and optimize the whole. They result in 5 lean approaches to management. Firstly, specify values from the perspective of the ultimate customer. Another approach is identifying the value streams meaning all steps should create value.Thirdly, creating flow is making the value-creating steps flow. Fourthly, the customer should be guided to actively pull the product from you. Finally, insistently implementation former approaches until a state of perfection is reached. According to these principles and appro aches, James (2008) analyses the whole process of construction and then make the procedure quantization in order to improve the productivity. However, the production process in construction differs from manufacturing industry in that it is more complex and unpredictable.Slake(2000) found transformation flow value generation (TFH) theory which can implement LAPS into construction industry. This theory seems construction as a special kind of manufacture. So the method we used to manage construction is called lean construction. It is a continuous process around value stream in order to satisfy all stakeholders demand and eliminate waste (Dickinson et. Al, 2004). According to the definition of lean construction 4 and TAP' theory, the application of lean construction theory can divide into maximize value, minimize waste, stream management and projects delivery.Woman et al (1996) believe that the most important thing of maximizing value is finding out what stakeholders are. During large e ngineering project construction, stakeholder is a complex and dynamic system (Bertelsmann, 2002). According to Ballard and Howell (2003), the production design and process design should be integrated in order to reduce variation in the construction process. Maximizing value means fulfilling the propose value in an acceptable cost instead of reaching the goal with the lowest price (Bertelsmann 2002).Waste can be conclude as defective product, supply more than demand, inventory, unnecessary working procedure, useless staff movement, unnecessary transportation of goods and waiting (Non, 1978). The eighth kind of waste was found that the design and service are not accord with costumer's waste. Macomb and Howell (2003) considered the information is not received which is a waste as well. Stream management has a significant influence on construction. There are 7 kinds of streams in the procedure namely, preparation work, site, staff, equipment, material, information and external conditions .In order to manage these 7 streams, people need to set up a buffer which can make the stream work effective and efficient. Project delivery is used in construction which is based on the LAPS. Ballard and Howell(1993) found the Last Planner System (PICTURE 1) which was design 5 on the rational of LAPS. In the Last Planner System, the last planner such as site administrator will be responsible for planning the resource requirement for next week. Then, manager will use Per Plan Completed (PC) to evaluate the weekly plan.Design criteria Master Schedules & Phase Schedules Work structuring Selecting, sequencing and Current situation & sizing work we think can prediction Information Preparation Order Selecting, Ranking, Workload production Weekly Schedule Resource Look-Ahead Plan be done Production Feedback Completed Work PICTURE 1 MAMBO There are several project managements are introduced in the MAMBO. Namely project integration management, project time management, project cost managemen t, project quality management, project human resource management, project communications management, project risk management, project procurement.Firstly, project integration management means the 6 method integrates consolidation, articulation, combinational characteristics as well as integrative actions which are important to complete the project, meet the customer, achieve stakeholder requirements and manage expectations. Secondly, reject time management can be defined as identifying and estimating diverse schedule activities in order to timely complete the project. Thirdly, project cost management contains planning process, estimating process, budgeting process and controlling costs which can result in an appropriate budget.Fourthly, project quality management can be divided into quality planning, perform quality assurance and perform quality control. Fifthly, project human resource management require planning the staff resource so that it can determine and improve the project te am, furthermore, using the feedback to manage the team. Sixthly, project ammunitions management is a method that sufficiently conveys the useful information to stakeholders. Seventeenth, project risk management means to predict and analysis the possible risk so that planning the response and the preventive method.Finally, project procurement management consists of planning procurement processes and communicating with sellers, buyers and administrations. 2. 3 Comparison Current management methods regard the project as a sequential, simple and predictable producing system. Furthermore, they decompose the project into activities, work package, mission and so on, every mission can be implemented independently as well. These methods all use a top-down 7 management. Planning and present under the best of circumstances. As a result, the plan does not reflect complexity, high uncertainty and dynamics of the construction.It leads to the initiative can not be well-planned and well-executed. I n contrast, LAPS seem the construction as a complex, dynamic and nonlinear producing system. The LAPS focus on the whole production system that it sets up a series of goals. LAPS underlines integrating product design and process planning, controlling them in the all product life cycle stages as well. The major preferences between LAPS and current project management focus on nine aspects. In the focus of attention aspect, LAPS more focus on the production system, but the method in MAMBO pay attention on transactions and contracts.For management object, lean project delivery looks at transformation, flow and value objects, however the current management in MAMBO focus on transformation goal. For decision making right, LAPS support to the foundation certificate in construction should take part in the decision making. In contrast, management methods in MOBS prefer to make decision follow by top-down management control system. In the design order aspect, product and process are designed together in LAPS. In MAMBO, process design will start until product design finish.For product design, designer should consider the whole product life cycle stages in LAPS. In MAMBO, designer can consider the partial product life cycle stages. For collaboration approach, all the firms in construction supply-chain should initiative cooperate with each other in LAPS. The enterprises relate with each 8 other through the market and only supply what the market demand in MAMBO. For planning, the schedule is planed from bottom to top in LAPS, but the schedule is landed from top to bottom in MAMBO. In learning aspect, learning is integrated into construction, company and supply-chain management in LAPS.
Marketing ans supplementary services
Inna bid to form a boding relationship with consumers and customers, many organizations through their marketing activities have engaged in giving supplementary services such as additional services to argument or facilitate the core service or core product sold by the organization, after sales services, continuous enlightenment and communication to consumers on how to effectively utilize their products or service, among others. The supplementary services provided by an organization in its marketing strategy this is a way of retaining the patronage of old customers and winning the trust of new ones. As the strategy of retaining old customers is more cost effective than sourcing for new ones this supplementary services provision is a good way of increasing the bond between the organization and its customers. According to Stern (1997), â€Å"Bonding is an increasingly popular marketing strategy in which services marketers seek to establish personal long- term bonds with consumers so that current ones may be retained. Retention is now considered a more cost- effective strategy than continual prospecting for new customers, and this is made manifest by a firm’s commitment to the relationship as an enduring one†. Thus, enduring commitment to an organization’s relationship to its customers, it is adequately expressed via the level of supplementary services made available for them. Thus, the role of supplementary services and goods provision by an organization to its customers would be looked upon. SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES IN GOODS AAND SERVICES PROVIDING ORGANIZATION An organization provides core services and goods to its customers. This core services or products are the main organization’s operation which they render or sell to customers. According to Iacobucci (2001:323), â€Å"An organization that provides services, either as its central provision or in a value-added capacity in a bundle of attributes included in a customer’s purchase of some goods, may find it useful to distinguish those elements of the services purchase experience that are ‘core’ from the supplemental†. Therefore core services or core product of an organization is that function that forms the business identity. For example, a car manufacturing company will have its core product as the finished cars sold to customers. On the other hand supplementary goods or services are those additional services that an organization gives to customers as a way to augment the core goods or services that was purchased or rendered by the organization. â€Å"The supplementary services are the components of the service delivery system that are intended to facilitate and enhance the customer’s experience†(ibid). using the car manufacturing organization again to illustrate, its supplementary services may be that it have a car servicing center, repairs to brakes, sells spare parts for its brand of cars, run a driver training school etc. Looking at the core and supplementary service of an organization that is service base, for example, an airline organization will have as its core service the transportation of passengers from one city to another. Its supplementary services would include the provision of movies and meals for passengers on board, the operating of a frequent flyer accounts (E.g. Air China gives its frequent flyer a Mileage Awards and run a club for its frequent flyers), conveniently located hubs etc. Also, a business center for data processing and photocopy services as its core may have supplementary services as sending of fax messages, sending of overnight express packages etc. The illustrated examples go to buttress the fact that supplementary services is applicable to both an organization that deals in  goods and services. THE ROLE OF SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Supplementary services plays a vital role in making customers satisfy with the core goods or services they derive from an organization. The supplementary goods facilitate and make the customer have a quick satisfying experience from the utilization of the core services or goods from an organization. According to Iacobucci (2001:321), â€Å"In an attempt to create distinct advantage managers often seek to provide added value to customers and enhance their corporate competitive advantage by offering better customer service†. Hence, the provision of supplementary services to customer is a way by which a firm can gain competitive advantage over its rivals. The extra supplementary services goes a long way in putting the organization ahead over its rivals, that is as customers derives additional services they would be made satisfied and this is an advantage to the organization. Proctor (20000, argues that â€Å"marketing is about satisfying customers wants and needs and in the course of doing so facilitating the achievement of an organization’s objectives by paying attention to customers wants and needs organizations are likely to achieve their objectives in the marketplace†¦they have to compete with each other and also have to satisfy customers wants and needs at least as well their competitors.†Supplementary services brings the customers into forming a bond with the organization and hence, creating continuous patronage from the customers. Patronage motives, according to Beckman & Davidson (1967:300), â€Å"stressed in industrial purchasing include accessibility to seller, rapidity of delivery, terms of sale and reliability of repair services, history of satisfactory business relationships, and other similar rational consideration†. Supplementary services helps in winning the continuous patronage of customers. For example, when a customer who buys television sets for his retail sales from an organization that offers supplementary repairs services, the retailer would be rest assures that if there is problem with any of the set, he stays to get expert to repair them from the organization. Thus, his patronage of the organization product would continue, and that bond would be established between him and the organization. Supplementary services also play the role of giving customers the ability to assess the level of satisfaction they get from the  core services or utility derived in consuming an organization’s product. For example, patience in a hospital may base his satisfaction on what he derives while being admitted as an in-patient. This could come in supplementary services as the meal served, how conducive the environment is in terms of facility provided, and a clean environment, question like was the television in the ward too loud or in a good state? All these supplementary services which are not the core service from the hospital would go a long way in making the patient form his judgment on how satisfied he is with the core service from the organization. HOW TO RELATE SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES WITH AN ORGANIZATION’S MARKETING STRATEGY The supplementary services rendered by an organization should be established with a focus to helping the organization effectively market its core services or core products. Thus, it is germane that these supplementary services are a streamlined in the direction of how effectively the organization could attain its corporate objectives. According to Proctor (2000), â€Å"a strategy is a plan that integrates an organization’s major goals, policies, decisions and sequences of action into a cohesive whole†. Thus, it is germane that the provision of supplementary services is targeted towards enhancing the organization’s core functions in order to make it effectively meet its goals and objectives. The need to make vital decision on what to bring up as supplementary service sis important in meeting the significant that goes along with the service creation. According to Lazar (1971), an organization can derive good intelligent decision through information gotten from assessing marketing alternatives and adjust to   dynamic market conditions. Thus the provision of supplementary services should be done with the cognizance of change in the environment where the organization operates. CONCLUSION The provision of supplementary services is an effective way of satisfying the desires of customers. And this is applicable to organization operating in services provision and goods production. Continuous patronage and the formation of bond between customers and the organization is enhanced and facilitated through supplementary service provision. Hence, the establishment should align its supplementary services or goods to be intone with its core functions, so as to effectively meet the organization’s objectives and long term goals. REFRENCES Beckman, Theodore N & Davidson, William R. (1967), Marketing New York: Ronald Press Co. Iacobucci, Dawn (2001), â€Å"Services Marketing and Customers Service’ in Iacobucci, Dawn (ed.) Kellogg on Marketing. New York: Wiley Lazar, William (1971), Marketing management: A Systems Perspective. New York: John Wiley & Sons Proctor, Tony (2000), Strategic marketing: An Introduction. London: Routledge Stern, Barbara B. (1997), â€Å"Advertising Intimacy: relationship Marketing and the Service Consumer†in Journal of Advertising. Vol. 26, No. 4 Â
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