Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Key Aspects Of Emotional Development - 2409 Words
In this essay I will be discussing the key aspects of emotional development and giving examples through different research studies that have been conducted. I will also be looking at a few different theorists associated with emotional development. Any developmental theory is expected to be related to a common view of emotion. Theories of emotional development can be put into two distinct groups, which stem from Watson’s (1929) and Bridges (1932) work. Throughout this essay I will be discussing the different areas of development that have been influenced by emotional development including, Attachment, Moral Reasoning, Cognition, Individual differences, and Personality Development. Because emotions have many qualities and differ greatly in†¦show more content†¦For example, there is some disagreement as to how much of a role cognition plays in the experience of emotion. Furthermore, there are questions concerning whether emotions are innate or learned and about when and in what form different emotions develop during infancy. When do emotions appear in infants? This debate still continues. For example, smiles occur early, but most are more likely reflexive than social. A smile can express emotion at 6 weeks of age but psychologists believe it is not until approximately 6 months of age that a smile can be regarded as emotional and social in nature. Crying is a strong emotion for infants and can be used to communicate. The first emotions that infants express are pleasure, fear, anger, distress and interest. At about 3 to 4 months of age infants express laughter. Negative emotions develop soon after, with anger the most prominent negative feeling. Negative emotionality explains individual differences in children’s tendency to experience negative emotions, and includes the beginning, intensity, and duration of emotions (Rettew McKee, 2005). Fear and frustration are the most commonly researched components of negative emotionality. Research looking at direct relations between fear and adjustment in older children has discovered that, more fear related directly to higher internalizing as
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Predetermined Fate The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by...
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare depicts the dictatorship of a powerful Roman emperor in 44 B.C. This play consists of various elements some of which are historical events, people and places, which disclose the conspiracy to overthrow Julius Caesar. The fates of the characters are predetermined although they attempt to avoid and ultimately change their own fate, which attributes to the humanity each character possesses giving a predetermined fate that is unavoidable and uncontrollable. Individual perception of omens and superstitions controls characters fates. The omens and superstitions shown throughout the novel ultimately determine a person’s fate which can be tied directly to Julius Caesar. Caesar’s neglect of other people’s warnings and omens leads to his demise. One example of this is that he ignores a soothsayers warning to â€Å"Beware the ides of March†(line 1.2.21). Caesar does not take this superstition seriously, as his arro gance forbids him to see his fate and ultimately leads to his impending doom. Other examples can be shown in Caesar’s misinterpretation of the priest’s reading, Caesar orders the priests to present a sacrifice to the gods and inform Caesar of the outcome, which they did â€Å"not find a heart within the beast†(2.2.43). Caesar disregards the outcome of the sacrifice, chooses not to stay at home, and ultimately asserts his own fate of death. After Caesar dies, Antony declares the fate of his enemies and seeks for revenge. As AntonyShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar Essay1833 Words  | 8 Pages INTRODUCTION The seemingly straightforward simplicity of â€Å"Julius Caesar†has made it a perennial favourite for almost 400 years. Despite its simplicity, almost Roman in nature, the play is rich both dramatically and thematically, and every generation since Shakespeare’s time has been able to identify with some political aspect of the play. The Victorians found a stoic, sympathetic character in Brutus and found Caesar unforgivably weak and tyrannical. As we move into the twenty-first century, audiences
Friday, May 15, 2020
Plato And Aristotle s Views On Plato s Philosophy
-INTRO: Plato and Aristotle are two of the most influential Greek philosophers of history. It would be just to say that Plato’s philosophical views were greatly influenced by his mentor, Socrates. Over time, Aristotle found solemn in Plato’s teachings and became his pupil. The philosophical theories that were originally conceived by Socrates passed from Plato, to Aristotle. In a perfect world, it would be nice to entertain the belief that Aristotle’s beliefs resembled his mentor, Plato’s and Plato’s mentor, Socrates. However, this is farthest from the truth. -SUMMARY OF PLATO GORGIAS: Gorgias is a dialogue text written by Plato, in which Gorgias, a Sicilian philosopher, orator, and rhetorician is in opposition to the beliefs of Plato’s mentor, Socrates. The exchanged begins following Gorgias’s speech at an exhibition. Socrates was offered to question Gorgias for as long as he pleased, for he wanted to â€Å"hear from him what is the nature of his art, and what it is which he professes and teaches†. Socrates begins by asking Gorgias what he and rhetoric is, to which he responds in a smooth, sophisticated manner, avoiding the questions entirely. He referred to rhetoric as an art. Although Gorgias avidly practiced rhetoric, he was not compelling when answering Socrates’s questions. Instead, he provided short responses. Socrates did not view rhetoric as an art. However, he was utilizing this ‘art’ when asking Gorgias questions. His mission was to persuade the speakers at thisShow MoreRelatedPlato And Aristotle s Views On The Greek Philosophy1128 Words  | 5 PagesSocrates, Plato and Aristotle, the three original thinkers and intelligent teachers of ancient Greece, together made the Greek philosophy reach its highest state and also opened up a new world of western philosophy and culture. Among three of them, Socrates was the very first one who appeared in history, and was the very first teacher and spreader of ancient Greek philosophy. His entire life was a legend that he had numbers of followers and students. However, unlike Plato and Aristotle, this greatRead MorePlato And Aristotle s Views On Philosophy1107 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the history of philosophy, the thoughts and works of two men have intertwined their way into the philosophers to follow. The two men were followers of Socrates; thus, technically, Socrates can take some of the credit. These two men are Plato and Aristotle. The Platonic and Aristotelian ideas of philosophy are contradicting but equally re presented in their influence. Plato believed that to find truth, one must look to the metaphysical world beyond reality. He believed this because he thoughtRead MorePlato And Aristotle s Views On Political Philosophy Essay3649 Words  | 15 PagesIntroduction: The term â€Å"Political Philosophy†is a normative study of state, government, relationships between individual and communities, laws, rights and justice. It depends on the philosophers that can be entangled with ethics, economics and also metaphysics. Political thinkers are the pioneers of â€Å"Modern Politics†in the world. The first serious political thinkers emerged in Greece. Plato and Aristotle are two great philosophers of ancient Greece. Plato in his book â€Å"The Republic†delivers theRead MorePlato And Aristotle s Views On Life794 Words  | 4 PagesAnalogy of Plato and Aristotle Aristotle and Plato were each great intellectual however their views on life are totally different. Plato was born round the year 428 BCE in Athens. (Plato) Plato was then introduce to was introduced to philosophy by Socrates in 469-399 B.C.( Plato)Who then became is mentor, however Socrates died , however shortly after his mentor die he had an an inspiration to induce his into politics this then lead him to be educated in Mediterranean. Plato then startedRead MoreAristotle s Contributions Of Aristotle931 Words  | 4 PagesBiography of Aristotle Aristotle Headshot Aristotle was born in 384 BC, in Stagira, near Macedonia at the northern end of the Aegean Sea. His father, Nicomachus, was the family physician of King Amyntas of Macedonia. It is believed that Aristotle s ancestors had been the physicians of the Macedonian royal family for several generations. Having come from a long line of physicians, Aristotle received training and education that inclined his mind toward the study of natural phenomena. This educationRead MorePlato s Interpretation Of Utopia1630 Words  | 7 PagesPlato and Aristotle shared many differences despite also sharing a teacher student relationship. This essay will strive to establish their understandings of reason and the role reason plays in their comprehensions of politics, differentiating between the kinds of reason and politics produced as a result. Plato is regarded as the first writer of political philosophy while Aristotle is recognised as the first political scientist. Plato’s interpretation of Utopia is founded upon the existence of threeRead MoreSocrates And Aristotle s Life1491 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosopher Aristotle is widely thought to have said, The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. The earliest accounts of human history chronicle the struggle for survival against all odds. It is therefore remarkable that roughly 2400 years ago the question of virtue was raised, let alone contemplated at great length, forming a foundation upon which Western philosophers build to the present day. Socrates and Aristotle were twoRead MoreEssay about Comparison of Plato and Aristotle’s Philosophies1217 Words  | 5 PagesAntonio Burkes Philosophy 1 June 4, 2001 Comparison of Plato and Aristotle’s Philosophies Plato and Aristotle are both great philosophers in their own regard. Both agree that the world has a purpose, and that it’s not just an accident. Both also hate materialists since in their (materialists’) interpretation of the world, value, choice, and freedom are not plausible outcomes, and so morality and rationality do not make sense. And both ask the same question, what does it take to be a goodRead MoreAristotle s Realism Philosophy And Philosophy1590 Words  | 7 PagesAristotle’s Realism Philosophy Realism is an educational philosophy; furthermore it is a teaching that stresses knowledge that develops from one s own senses.in my opinion this is great idea for educational philosphy, because it shows that sense deveolpement is the realest possible learning to have. Under this philosophy the idea exists that there is a real world not constructed by human minds, that can be known by one s own mind. It is through experiencing the world around everyone in whichRead MorePolitical Philosophy, By Steven Cahn1197 Words  | 5 PagesIn Steven Cahn s book, Political Philosophy, The Essential Texts, philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau created the circumstances to enable the fundamental principals of philosophy and politics. These knowledgeable, astute and significant men have helped to achieve the structure of our past and present democracy as well as a plan of action for the rights and values that we as citizens can all relate to today. They are grounded in their thinking and tied together
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Gender Is Learned Through Play - 2086 Words
Introduction The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) indicates in Article 31.1 â€Å"States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts (1989).†The UNCRC is affirming that play is essential to children s development and it is their right. Children learn through play, some skills children may learn could be social skills, emotional skills, verbal and non-verbal communication, and physical skills, to name a few. Children play and learn in different environments at home, day-care, relatives homes, parks, or at schools. Moreover, children learn gender roles through socialization and are reinforced through play. I will be examining how gender roles are learned through play beginning with a literature review followed by applying theory, and then examined through methods and empirical research. Finally, this assignme nt will end with exploring key findings and discussion related to how gender is learned through play. Literature Review To begin talking about children first we need to understand what a child is, according to the UNCRC Article 1: which defines a â€Å"Child as a person below the age of 18, unless the laws of a particular country set the legal age for adulthood younger (1989).†The Oxford Dictionary (2014) defines a child as â€Å"A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age ofShow MoreRelatedGender, Gender And Gender Roles1437 Words  | 6 Pages Gender roles play an important role in society whether it is for good or for bad. These roles have been placed in society since the beginning of time. The term gender is socially created and it therefore categorizes men from women. How is gender defined, and what makes it different from the term sex? â€Å"†¦sex refers to the biological characteristics that distinguish women and men: sex chromosomes, reproductive organs, sex-specific hormones, and physical characteristics†¦Gender†¦ refers to the socialRead MoreThe Article Gender Role Models896 Words  | 4 PagesThe article Gender Role Models ... who needs ‘em?! By Stephen Hicks encouraged me to reflect on my childhood gender roles as well as how I portray my gender roles today. After learning about the socialization theory I realize my parents were traditional towards gender roles and have incorporated multiple theories of human growth and development into my gender development. I have also learned how my gender roles have gradually transformed since I was a child. Therefore, this article has brought toRead MoreGender Roles : An Individual s Appearance915 Words  | 4 Pagesindividual is a male or female. Biology plays a huge part that also helps us distinguished our sex from the moment we are born due to our primary sex characteristics. However, we learned our genders and the roles that come with it through out our life. From the moment we learn to speak and walk and developed our learning skills, we acquire learning behaviors where our genders are expected to behaviors, traits and characteristics. Gender roles are learned and influenced from our family, friendsRead MoreGender Differences Within Social Development1747 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch paper is set to inform the reader of the gender differences through social development. Depending on a child’s gender, things such as gender identity and social acceptance have a great impact in their development. The first thing parents learned about their children before birth is the sex of the baby. This highlights the importance of sex and gender. Sex differences have long been a very important topic in psychology and in understanding why gender differences affect social development. SocialRead MoreMy Experience As A Male Dominant Culture994 Words  | 4 Pagesculture through different medias, such as our parents, relatives, and peers. My earliest enculturation experience is when I was in kindergarten. I learned about culturally accepted behaviors for both genders and experienced double standard between male and female. My family and my peers were the most influential in this enculturation experience as they were the people I associated with during my early childhood. My early childhood experience of double standard has shaped my values and how I perceiveRead MoreGender Roles : Social Learning Theory And Sex Segregation1190 Words  | 5 PagesGender roles play a huge part in society. Gender plays a role in shaping an individuals identify and beliefs. It also helps identify what is masculine and what is feminine. Certain tasks, duties, and jobs are classified by gender. However, gender appropriate behavior should not be enforced in our society for numerous reasons and can be seen on an individual level and be demonstrated by social learning theory and sex segregation. Within and across different cultures, we can find great consistencyRead MoreThe Effects of Gender Roles and Gender Identity on Behaviour Essay examples1550 Words  | 7 PagesThe Effects of Gender Roles and Gender Identity on Behaviour Gender is a psychological term, which refers to our awareness and reaction to biological sex. It is also a fundamental part of our learning concept. Gender is influenced by many things, which include: Biological Influences ===================== Such as, Genetics, Estrogens and Androgens. Social Influences ================= Such as, Identification theory, which is: Read MoreHow Toys Play A Role On Gender Socialization1229 Words  | 5 Pagesunusual for their gender. Toys are a prominent factor in this socialization, because they are typically presented for one gender and are unacceptable for the other. To assess how toys play a role in gender socialization, I made a trip to Toys â€Å"R†Us in College Station and was surprised by how the store was organized. The first thing that went through my mind when walking into the store was to look for the Girls and Boys signs that would indicate to me which section was for which gender. There weren’tRead MoreGoing Into High School As A Junior981 Words  | 4 Pagescourse but I realize that I learned a lot that I never knew before and this was a great course and I am really glad that I took it. The things that took from this course that I can compare and relate to my life are the uses of technology in our society, social inequity, race of others, family and culture, gender differences, and personal life problems. When we look at how technology and how it has changed over the years, there are a lot of things that are different then how they used to be. The peopleRead MoreAre Gender Roles Forced Upon Us?1482 Words  | 6 PagesAre Gender Roles Forced Upon Us? Remember the 50s in America, how men were the predominant head of the household and women were expected to cook, watch their kids, and clean? This is an excellent example of gender roles, and how they control some aspects of life. Gender roles according to multiple sources are, the way people behave, what they do and say, to express being a female or male. (â€Å"Gender Identity†, Blackstone, Gender Spectrum). They are forced upon an individual from the day that
Feminism A New Form Of Rage From Modern Women s Right...
No â€Å"Slut†for Feminism Recent massive transnational protests named â€Å"Slutwalk†have marked a new form of rage from modern women’s right activists, stirring varied societal objections from both men and women towards feminists. From a defiant display of a thousand women dressing in underwear and fishnets storming down the streets of Toronto, to public declarations from well-known feminists stating they will never fight for the right to be called sluts, the re-appropriation of the word â€Å"slut†cannot succeed due to its inseparable negative connotations, and has reinforced the misunderstood image of feminism as a solely sexually aggressive absurd circus, alienating feminists from their political allies and hindering the progresses of other female rights agendas. What does â€Å"reclaim†mean? â€Å"Slut†originally refers to promiscuous women, who casually sleep with anyone. Feminists are earning back â€Å"slut†by adding extra levels of meaning into the term, such as women who are sexually active and autonomous. Merely promulgating an alternative interpretation of â€Å"slut†does not immediately substitute the ingrained understanding. Feminists believe that encouraging people to use â€Å"slut†more when it only has the positive connotations, will eventually erase people’s memory of how to call a woman â€Å"slut†in demeaning ways. The word â€Å"Slut†is so saturated with resentment and aggression that feminists can never fully own the word. From what has been discussed above, the feminists who endorseShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesWorld the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting Read MoreGender Pay Gap14271 Words  | 58 Pages* Background * Current Situation * Outlook * Pro/Con * Chronology * Short Features * Maps/Graphs * Bibliography * The Next Step * Contacts * Footnotes * About the Author * * Comments | Gender Pay Gap | Are women paid fairly in the workplace? | March 14, 2008 †¢ Volume 18, Issue 11 | By Thomas J. Billitteri Introduction Former Goodyear manager Lilly Ledbetter won more than $3 million in a pay-discrimination suit against the tire firm, but the U.S. SupremeRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesRastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata KualaRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesothers who should know better) to trivialize this very problematic and challenging subject. This is not the case with the present book. This is a book that deserves to achieve a wide readership. Professor Stephen Ackroyd, Lancaster University, UK This new textbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis
Drama, Drama, Drama Essay Example For Students
Drama, Drama, Drama Essay I am in the Air Force and work in Air Terminal Operations Center. Itis really just a big title meaning that we make sure things get done ontime. My job entails a wide rage of responsibilities from making sure thatpassengers and cargo are downloaded and uploaded in a timely manner and thecrews of the aircrafts dont cry due to lack of coffee. My shift is smallwith only two main characters and Im one of them, but we do interact withthe other two shifts daily. I have in time come to the conclusion that halfof my coworkers are bipolar and the other half of them are crazy. A shiftchange and complete shift can always result in the maximum amount of rudeand impolite things said to each other. Although we bicker and have a lackof knowledge in certain areas of politeness, we get the mission complete. On an average day I show up at 2:15 p.m., a good 20 minutes earlyjust to try to figure what is going on that day and listen to all thethings I supposedly messed up the day prior. Day shift has only two realplayers and one day the police are bound to be called due to violenceexhibited toward each other. SSgt Brown and SrA Gibson are a greatcombination and a great example of craziness, but amazingly day after daythey get their job completed. On any single day you can walk in and see oneof them throw a back pack at the other for something as simple as the backpack being in the way. They constantly bicker back and forth about smallthings from a lunch schedule to who is going to put paper in the printer. Although they play around and goof off, as soon as a plane lands and thereis work to do they get the job done. Given there are always sly commentsmade and dirty looks given, they correctly do their job. Just last week Ishowed up at 2:00 p.m. because I had stuff to do before I started workingand when I walked in the two were standing up yelling at each other overwho was going to go out to the plane that just landed. This particularargument stemmed from the fact that they both wanted to leave early butsomeone was going to have to stay to work with me. I went ahead and wentout to the aircraft and let the two fight it out which turned out to be abad idea. They both decided that neither was going to leave nor were theygoing to do anything. They both sat at their desk without speaking a wordto each other until the rest of my shift showed up. Out of all my coworkers I like to believe that I am the only normalone for the fact that I realize I do dumb things daily. My shift supervisoris what I like to think of as a circus freak. SSgt Krysler cant be tallerthan five feet flat and has no sense of humor. Daily he is the butt of alljokes and rude comments. He always strolls into work just on time and doesnot even know how to correctly do his job correctly. Everyday he asks me ifI want to do the desk, which means that I will do all the paper work so hecan work ramp, which means he goes out to meet the aircraft and do no paperwork at all. The only reason he loves working ramp is because he doest havethe slightest clue how to do the paper work. Time after time, he has workedthe desk and another coworker or I have to go behind him to correct themess he has made. A polite person would sit him down and show him how tocomplete our job, but he has already had that training and just isntpicking it up. Plus, sad as is sounds, it makes me happy to see him therewith stacks of paper around him. He gets that look in his eye like a lostpuppy dog who just wants to go home. I admit I am the devil and will oneday go to hell, but this is when I usually tell him I need to leave earlybecause I have some fake appointment in the morning and need to sleep. Evenwhen I leave early, or dont help SSgt Krysler with his work, I know thathe cant mess up to much. I always make sure all the important things getdone and leave him with the small paper work. The paper work only requiresthat you go over times and make sure they are correct. . Although this mayseem harsh, it is the only way he will learn, plus I cant do his job forhim everyday. .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd , .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .postImageUrl , .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd , .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd:hover , .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd:visited , .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd:active { border:0!important; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd:active , .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6822bf89507f304b31f245c096738ebd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Same sex adoption: Do I qualify? EssayThere is nothing worse than having a crappy day at work and having adumb person walk in for the shift change. Grave shift is a total of twopeople; one normal nice lady and one bipolar freak. I rarely get to seeTSgt Hughes who happens to be one of the nicest people around, due to ourdays off. But I am lucky enough to see SSgt Webster everyday I work. Ihonestly believe this woman is bipolar. I try to be polite and ask herevery evening when she comes in how she is doing. Her usual responsesinclude, What! to Did you do any thing done today! Now SSgt Webster isa hard nut to crack. She is knowledgeable in her job but has no peopleskills at a ll which makes for a bad environment. She comes in screaming andyelling asking if we got all the mandatory objectives complete that day andturns around with a smile on her face asking if we want some of the cookiesshe made. This is one scary woman but I admit she knows her job. Overall, our attitudes are our biggest set back. No one ever wants toadmit that they dont know what they are doing or ask for help, yet themission is always completed with minimal delays.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
recovery Essay Example For Students
recovery Essay Disaster Recovery for LinuxThere is no bootable Linux system on HDD in a disaster situation; therefore it is always a good idea to backup the bootable Linux system on removable media for example on floppy disks. For example if the hard disk fails, or if an important file is accidentally deleted. No matter what the cause is some recovery procedures will be needed. The first step to recover from a disaster is to make a custom boot disk. It is not sufficient to just copy the standard boot disk image from the Linux cd rom because it will not necessarily have all the Kernal support configured. First log into the root shell session by using the cd / command and inserting a floppy disk. Then examine the /etc/lilo.conf to find the Kernal identity and use the mkbootdisk command and device /dev/fd0 with the string, example 2.2.5-15, found in the /etc/lilo.conf. The uname a command can be used to display the Kernal version.After the successful completion of that step eject the disk and write protect it. Another way to recover from a disaster is to make a rescue disk. The rescue disk is taken from the image in the linux cdrom. It is not like the custom bootdisk where an examination of the /etc/lilo.conf is done. What makes the boot disk created for the system valuable is that it contains the special drivers, such as SCSI drivers, that may be required to boot the system.Another alternative to recover from a disaster is to create a Toms Root Boot Diskette. The tomsrtbt distribution may be done on the internet: A complete Linux system on a single diskette. To create the diskette set the browser to http://www.toms.net/rb/ and download the latest version. To prepare the emergency boot disk, place the zipped tar file into a directory such as /usr/local/src and follow the install procedures. The tar file is a versatile archiving utility that is not limited to strictly tape backup. TAR files can be stored locally as files, and sent over nertworks as a method of back up. The package squeezes an amazing number of Linux utilities onto a single 1.7 MB floppy by using high compression. ConclusionNo matter what method used to back up the Linux system it is very important to take caution when dealing with Kernal config files. Always use the man command before using a command so the right syntax and option are used so that an important file isnt deleted. www.google.comwww.linux.com
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